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Title: Efektivitas Penambahan Cocopeat dan Zeolit pada Tanah yang Terkontaminasi Oli Bekas terhadap Pertumbuhan Sengon
Other Titles: The Effectiveness of Adding Cocopeat and Zeolite to Soil Contaminated with Used Oil on Sengon Growth
Authors: Wasis, Basuki
Maulidia, Syafaatu
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Oli bekas dapat mencemari lingkungan karena mengandung logam berat (Fe, Pb, Sn, Cd, Mn, dan Zn), kotoran mesin, dan zat toksik berupa polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, mutagenik, dan karsinogenik. Amelioran adalah bahan organik maupun anorganik yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas tanah, contohnya cocopeat dan zeolit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis optimal dari cocopeat, zeolit, dan kombnasi keduanya untuk pertumbuhan semai sengon pada tanah yang tercemar oli bekas. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April - Agustus 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan zeolit berpengaruh nyata terhadap respirasi tanah, perlakuan cocopeat berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter, dan perlakuan kombinasi keduanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter dengan selang kepercayaan 95%. Perlakuan Z0C2 (zeolit 0 g dan cocopeat 50 g) memiliki respon diameter terbaik dengan peningkatan nilai dimater sebesar 46,975%. Perlakuan Z0C2 mampu meningkatkan kandungan C-organik sebesar 0,09% dan meningkatkan ketersediaan unsur hara makro Ca sebesar 0,43 me/100g dan Mg sebasar 0,22 me/100g.
Used oil pollutes the environment because it contains heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Sn, Cd, Mn, Zn), engine dirt, and toxic substances in the form of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mutagenic and carcinogenic. Ameliorants are organic and inorganic materials used to improve soil quality, for example cocopeat and zeolite. This study aims to determine the most optimal dose of cocopeat, zeolite, and both for the growth of sengon seedlings on soil contaminated with used oil. The research was carried out from April - August 2021. The results showed that zeolite treatment had a significant effect on soil respiration, cocopeat treatment had a significant effect on diameter, and the combination treatment had a significant effect on diameter with a 95% confidence interval. Treatment Z0C2 (0 g zeolite and 50 g cocopeat) had the best diameter response with an increase in dimater value of 46,975%. Z0C2 treatment was able to increase the C-organic content by 0,09% and increase the availability of macronutrients Ca by 0,43 me/100g and Mg 0,22 me/100g.
Appears in Collections:UT - Silviculture

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