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Title: Morfometrik Calon Galur Ayam IPB-D3 Generasi Pertama Umur 2 sampai 12 Minggu
Other Titles: Morphometric of IPB-D3 Chicken First Generation Ages 2 to 12 Weeks
Authors: Sumantri, Cece
Darwati, Sri
Damarani, Sasi
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Rumpun ayam IPB-D1 adalah contoh rumpun ayam yang telah dilakukan upaya peningkatan mutu genetik. Rumpun ayam IPB-D1 memiliki pertumbuhan yang cepat dan ketahanan tubuh yang baik terhadap penyakit Newcastle Disease (ND) atau Tetelo dan Salmonella sp. Seleksi ayam IPB-D1 berdasarkan pertumbuhan bobot badan yang cepat untuk mendapatkan calon galur ayam IPB-D3 (male line). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menilai ukuran tubuh ayam IPB-D3 generasi pertama umur 2 sampai 12 minggu. Jumlah ayam yang digunakan sebanyak 6 jantan dan 34 betina indukan sedangkan untuk anakan yaitu 10 jantan dan 52 betina. Data dianalisis deskriptif dan uji t. Ukuran tubuh ayam IPB-D3 generasi pertama umur 2 sampai 12 minggu tidak memiliki perbedaan yang nyata bila dibandingkan dengan ukuran tubuh ayam IPB-D1 generasi ketujuh. Koefisien keragaman berkisar antara 3,42% sampai 11,13% dan termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Peubah yang paling baik untuk menduga pertumbuhan atau bobot badan adalah panjang dada dengan nilai korelasi 0,987 untuk jantan dan 0,988 untuk betina.
Strain of IPB D-1 is a local example of chicken that has made an effort to improve mutual genetics. Strain of IPB-D1 has rapid growth and adaptability and against Newcastle Disease or tetello and Salmonella Sp. Selected IPB-D1 chickens based on growth of bodies to get the next generation of IPB-D3 (male line). The purpose of this study was to assess the body size of the first generation of IPB-D3 chickens aged 2 to 12 weeks. The number of chickens used were as many as 6 males and 34 females, 10 males and 52 females. The data were analyzed by descriptive test and t test. The body size of the first generation IPB-D3 chickens aged 2 to 12 weeks did not have a significant difference when compared to the body size of the seventh generation IPB-D1 chickens. The coefficient of variation ranges from 3.42 to 11.13%. This value is included in the medium category. The best variable for predicting growth or body weight was chest length with a correlation value of 0.987 for males and 0.988 for females. Strain of IPB D-1 is a local example of chicken that has made an effort to improve mutual genetics. Strain of IPB-D1 has rapid growth and adaptability and against Newcastle Disease or tetello and Salmonella Sp. Selected IPB-D1 chickens based on growth of bodies to get the next generation of IPB-D3 (male line). The purpose of this study was to assess the body size of the first generation of IPB-D3 chickens aged 2 to 12 weeks. The number of chickens used were as many as 6 males and 34 females, 10 males and 52 females. The data were analyzed by descriptive test and t test. The body size of the first generation IPB-D3 chickens aged 2 to 12 weeks did not have a significant difference when compared to the body size of the seventh generation IPB-D1 chickens. The coefficient of variation ranges from 3.42 to 11.13%. This value is included in the medium category. The best variable for predicting growth or body weight was chest length with a correlation value of 0.987 for males and 0.988 for females.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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