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Title: Kajian Penentuan Kondisi Optimum Ekstraksi Minyak Dedak
Authors: Wibisono, Christofer Wisnu
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: Production of Rice Mill of Indonesia in the year of 2000 reaching 49 million ton ( BPS, 2001) or equivalent by 32 million ton of rice in every kind of agriculture field also resulting the other side product in the form of rice bran for about 4.1 until 6.1 million ton in a year. It means that as much 8-12 percent of side product hulling paddy which is in the form of rice bran cannot be considered to a commodity which less precious in order to mprove the added value product of the agricultural produce to be processed to become more valuable product. The extraction of Rice bran Oil (edible oil) which is very potential as source linoleat acid and the others unsaturated acids essential have also done a lot ( Kahlon Et al, 1996). But yield of rice bran oil counted small and also the characteristic of rice bran oil is having high acid number causes exploiting of rice bran to be taken it’s oil less done a lot, so that require to be got a optimum condition of rice bran oil’s extraction so it can get a condition process of rice bran oil’s extraction with a high number of yield and also a good quality of rice bran oil. The exploiting of rice Bran oil is also used by one of elementary substance in cosmetic industry, that use of antioxidant in rice bran to control process of aging or anti-aging agent ( Kamen, 2000). This research aim is to determine optimum condition rice bran oil’s extraction pursuant to time, variation of solvent and also the technology of its extractor. So that it expected will be obtained the optimum yield of rice bran oil that rich of it’s major component and quality of matching with National Standard of Indonesia (SNI). This Research is done with two phases. First phase is the preparation of raw material rice bran. At this preparation step, the purpose is to eliminate water content in rice bran and also in order to inactivate the enzyme of lipase which is in fresh rice bran that newly taken. The Method that used that is given hot treatment in oven at temperature 100oC (if using vacuum oven at temperature 50-60oC) during one day till the weight of sample constant. Second phase that is continuation research conducted the process of rice bran extraction which aim to get the optimum condition of rice bran extraction’s process with dependent variable is comparison ratio between weight of rice bran and volume of solvent (1 comparing 4, 1 comparing 6, and 1 comparing 8) and the time of extraction process (3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours). While the fixed variable is temperature (solvent’s boiling point). The extraction rate of rice bran Oil with ratio 1 comparing 4 got an equation of extraction rate that is y = -0.0002x2+0.385x with its optimal time extraction during 225 minute. While for the extraction of rice bran oil with ratio 1 comparing 6 got an equation of extraction rate that is y = -0.0004x2+0.437x with optimum time of extraction at the minute to 225. And for extraction rate of rice bran oil with ratio 1 comparing 8 got an equation of extraction rate that is y = -0.0009x2+0.5869x with optimum time of extraction at the minute to 225 and 240. It’s seen from the parameter of yield, it obtain a optimum time of extraction for 225 minutes and the ratio of the weight of raw material and volume of solvent 1 comparing 4. But if when it seen statistically, the factor ratio weight of raw material and volume of solvent do not have an effect to yield of rice bran oil’s extraction. It means that any level of ratio of the weight of raw material and volume of solvent more or less will not influence to yield of rice bran oil. But if reckoning its economic factor in rice bran oil’s extraction, so the usage the smallest ratio of the weight of raw material and volume of solvent will be more is good. It’s seen from parameter of rice bran oil’s quality, it obtain that for iod number (range assess 73.451 until 111.5451) and the peroxide number (0.40346 mmol/100 gram sample until 1.385023 mmol/100 gram sample) when it seen statistically the, the factor ratio weight of raw material and volume of solvent do not have an effect to iod number and peroxide number. Interaction factor of extraction time and ratio weight of raw material and volume of solvent have an effect on reality to parameter specific gravity, lathering number, acid number and the rice bran oil clearness. Specific weight got the biggest value at extraction with condition process ratio 1 comparing 4 and time of extraction 5 hours, and the lowest value at extraction with condition process ratio 1 comparing 8 and time of extraction 4 hours. Lathering number got the biggest at extraction with condition process ratio 1 comparing 8 and time of extraction 5 hours, and the lowest value at extraction with condition process ratio 1 comparing 4 and time of extraction 3 hours by range assess entirety gyrate among 51.8925 until 142.9866 Acid number got the biggest at extraction with condition process ratio 1 comparing 4 and time of extraction 5 hours, and the lowest value at extraction with condition process ratio 1 comparing 8 and time of extraction 4 hours by range assess entirety gyrate among 7.1616 until 13.45065. And the clearness got the biggest at extraction with condition process ratio 1 comparing 8 and time of extraction 4 clock, and the lowest value at extraction with condition process ratio 1 comparing 6 and time of extraction 5 hours.
Produksi Gabah Kering Giling (GKG) Indonesia yang pada tahun 2000 mencapai 49 juta ton (BPS, 2001) atau setara dengan 32 juta ton beras pada berbagai jenis lahan pertanian ternyata telah menghasilkan hasil samping produk berupa dedak sekitar 4.1 sampai 6.1 juta ton per tahun. Hal tersebut memberi arti bahwa sebanyak 8-12 persen hasil samping penggilingan padi yang berupa dedak tidak dapat dianggap sebagai komoditas yang kurang memberi andil yang berarti dalam rangka peningkatan nilai tambah produk hasil pertanian tersebut untuk diolah menjadi produk yang lebih bernilai. Ekstraksi minyak dedak ( edible oil ) yang sangat potensial sebagai sumber asam linoleat dan asam-asam tidak jenuh essensial lainnya juga telah banyak dilakukan (Kahlon et al, 1996). Namun rendemem minyak dedak yang terhitung kecil serta karakteristik minyak dedak yang mempunyai bilangan asam tinggi menyebabkan pemanfaatan dedak untuk diambil minyakya kurang banyak dilakukan, sehingga perlu didapatkan kondisi optimum ekstraksi minyak dedak sehingga didapatkan kondisi proses ekstraksi minyak dedak dengan rendemen yang tinggi serta mutu yang baik. Pemanfaatan dedak antara lain juga digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan dasar dalam industri kosmetik, yang memanfaatkan zat antioksidan di dalam dedak untuk mengontrol proses penuaan atau anti-aging agent (Kamen, 2000). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kondisi optimum ekstraksi minyak dedak berdasarkan waktu, variasi pelarut serta teknologi pengekstraknya.. Dengan demikian diharapkan akan diperoleh rendemen minyak dedak optimum yang kaya akan komponen utamanya dan mutu yang sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI).
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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