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Title: Analisis Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri dalam Implementasi Bekerja dari Rumah di Kecamatan Cibitung-Bekasi
Other Titles: Performance Analysis of Elementary School Teachers in Implementing Work from Home Policies in Cibitung-Bekasi Kecamatan District
Authors: Purwono, Joko
Hidayatulloh, Furqon Syarief
Maksum, Mega Alawiyah
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penerapan social distancing disaat pandemi sangat berdampak dalam kehidupan, diantaranya berdampak pada perekonomian, social, pendidikan, dan lain-lain. Dalam sektor pendidikan misalnya, pengajar dan peserta didik akan terbiasa melakukan interaksi pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pendidikan merupakan salah satu unsur yang berperan menciptakan sumber daya manusia berkualitas (Mungkasa 2020). WFH membuat sebuah perubahan cara kerja yang baru dimasa pandemi, dan guru dituntut untuk tetap semangat, produktif dan dapat mencapai tujuan – tujuan yang telah di tetapkan. Kesiapan perubahan pada guru harus dimunculkan guna dapat mencapai kesuksesan di dalam perubahan. Kesiapan perubahan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan efikasi diri (self efficacy) (Sutrisno 2017; Budiani et al. 2020). Efikasi guru yang tinggi sangat menguntungkan bagi peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik (Agustin et al. 2018; Kustini dan Muhammad 2018; Sjamsuri dan Muliyani 2019). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kesiapan perubahan terhadap kinerja guru SD se- Kecamatan Cibitung-Bekasi di masa pandemi Covid-19, menganalisis hubungan antara self efficacy terhadap kinerja guru SD se-Kecamatan Cibitung-Bekasi di masa pandemi Covid-19, dan menganalisis kesiapan perubahan terhadap self efficacy se-Kecamatan Cibitung-Bekasi di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan 135 responden, dan menggunakan penarikan sampel non probabilitas dengan teknik quota sampling dan diolah menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) dengan bantuan software SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesiapan perubahan memberikan pengaruh sebesar 60,5% terhadap kinerja guru, self efficacy memberikan pengaruh 22,4% terhadap kinerja guru , dengan hasil mediasi dari kesiapan berubah terhadap self efficacy sebesar 60,6%. Adapun temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah tidak tersebarnya secara merata bantuan kuota internet. Banyak sekolah yang sudah terhenti bantuan kuota Kemendikbud dan hal itu menghambat proses pembelajaran daring serta dapat mengganggu kinerja guru. Diharapkan para stakeholder khususnya para Kepala Sekolah, Dinas Kependidikan dan Kemendikbud agar dapat melenjutkan bantuan kuota agar dapat
The application of social distancing during a pandemic has a huge impact on life, including the impact on the economy, social, education, and others. In the education sector, for example, teachers and students will be accustomed to distance learning interactions. Education is one element that plays a role in creating quality human resources (Mungkasa 2020). WFH makes a change in the new way of working during the pandemic, and teachers are required to stay enthusiastic, productive and able to achieve the goals that have been set. Change readiness in teachers must be raised in order to achieve success in change. Readiness for change has a significant relationship with self-efficacy (Sutrisno 2017; Budiani et al. 2020). High teacher efficacy is very beneficial for improving student learning outcomes (Agustin et al. 2018; Kustini dan Muhammad 2018; Sjamsuri dan Muliyani 2019). This study aims to analyze the relationship between readiness for change to the performance of elementary school teachers in Cibitung-Bekasi District during the Covid-19 pandemic, analyze the relationship between self-efficacy on the performance of elementary school teachers in Cibitung-Bekasi District during the Covid-19 pandemic, and analyze readiness for change in self-efficacy in the Cibitung-Bekasi District during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study utilized 135 respondents, and used non-probability sampling with quota sampling technique and processed using Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of the study show that readiness for change has an effect of 60,5% on teacher performance, self-efficacy has an effect of 22,4% on teacher performance, with mediation results from readiness to change on self-efficacy of 60,6%. The findings in this study are that internet quota assistance is not evenly distributed. Many schools have stopped the Ministry of Education and Culture quota assistance and this hampers the online learning process and can interfere with teacher performance. It is hoped that stakeholders, especially school principals, the Education Office and the Ministry of Education and Culture can continue the quota assistance in order to improve education in State Elementary Schools in the Cibitung-Bekasi District.
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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