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Title: Biokonsentrasi Logam Merkuri (Hg) pada Katak Sawah (Fejervarya cancrivora) di Kawasan Pertambangan Emas Cikotok, Kabupaten Lebak
Other Titles: Bioconcentration of Metal Mercury (Hg) in the Crab Eating Frog (Fejervarya cancrivora) in the Cikotok Gold Mining Area, Lebak Regency
Authors: Priyono, Agus
Nursidik, Elisa Ratna
Issue Date: 28-May-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Usaha pertambangan emas selain menghasilkan nilai ekonomi, tetapi juga memberikan dampak negatif pencemaran merkuri bagi lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian konsentrasi merkuri pada lingkungan pertambangan emas dilakukan di lingkungan sekitar Sungai Pasirgombong yang aliran sungainya melewati kawasan pertambangan emas Cikotok. Pertambangan dan pengolahan emas di kawasan ini menggunakan metode amalgamasi menggunakan merkuri, yang memiliki potensi pencemaran limbah merkuri. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis konsentrasi merkuri pada katak sawah, sedimen sungai serta lingkungan air sebagai habitatnya. Lokasi sampling terbagi atas tiga stasiun, yaitu hulu sungai, lokasi kegiatan, dan hilir sungai. Analisis kandungan merkuri dilakukan di Laboratorium Produktivitas dan Lingkungan Perairan IPB University. Hasil analisis menunjukkan kadar merkuri di air sebesar 0,0007-0,0011 mg/l; pada sedimen sebesar 0,252-24,069 mg/kg dan pada paha katak sebesar 0,095-0,118 mg/kg. Kadar merkuri di air masih dibawah baku mutu air, sedangkan kadar merkuri di sedimen dan katak sudah melebihi baku mutu. Faktor biokonsentrasi pada katak terhadap air sebesar 107-208 kali atau tergolong “akumulasi sedang”.
The gold mining business not only produces economic value but also has a negative impact on mercury pollution for the surrounding environment. Research on mercury concentrations in the gold mining environment was carried out in the vicinity of the Pasirgombong River which flows through the Cikotok gold mining area. Gold mining and processing in this area uses the amalgamation method using mercury, which has the potential for mercury waste contamination. This study aims to analyze the concentration of mercury in the crab eating frog, river sediments and the water environment as their habitat. The sampling location is divided into three stations namely upstream, activity locations, and downstream. Mercury analysis is carried out in the Proling Laboratory IPB University. The results of analysis showed that mercury levels in the water were 0,0007-0,0011 mg/l. Mercury levels in sediments are 0,252-24,069 mg/kg and frogs are 0,095-0,118 mg/kg. The mercury level in the water is still below the quality standard, while the mercury level in the sediment and frogs has exceeded the quality standard. The bioconcentration factor in frogs to water is 107-208 times and classified as "medium accumulation".
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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