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Title: Penerapan Honey Process untuk Kopi Arabika Pesisir di Yuam Roasted Coffee Kebumen Jawa Tengah
Other Titles: Application of Honey Process for “Coastal Arabica” Coffee at Yuam Roasted Coffee Kebumen Jawa Tengah
Authors: Udin, Faqih
Alamsyah, Nato
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kopi memiliki peran yang cukup penting dalam kegiatan perekonomian Indonesia. Yuam Roasted Coffee menjual kopi yang area tanamnya tergolong dataran rendah baik kopi jenis robusta maupun arabika. Produktivitas kopi arabika pesisir di kawasan ini tergolong rendah sehingga perlu dilakukan variasi pengolahan baru, seperti honey process. Tujuan penelitan ini adalah mengetahui perbedaan kandungan kopi, penerimaan konsumen, serta mengnalisis nilai finansialnya jika diolah menggunakan honey process dan dibandingkan dengan fullwashed process yang lebih umum digunakan. Pengujian kandungan yang dilakukan meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar sari yang menggunakan analisis proksimat gravimetri, serta pengujian kadar kafein yang menggunakan alat spektrofotometer. Pengujian penerimaan dilakukan menggunakan uji organoleptik hedonik. Analisa finansial menggunakan parameter net present value dan benefit/cost ratio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan honey process pada kopi arabika pesisir mengubah secara nyata kadar air, kadar sari, kadar gula dan kadar kafein. Cita rasa secara keseluruhan dari honey process memiliki penerimaan lebih baik (nilai penerimaan rata-rata 3,77). Analisa finansial honey process memiliki nilai lebih tinggi (awalnya memiliki nilai NPV sebesar Rp 243.081.500 dan b/c ratio 1,42 untuk fullwashed process. Kemudian nilai proyeksinya bertambah menjadi sebesar Rp 326.245.222 dan 1,64 untuk honey process)
Coffee has an important role in Indonesia's economic activities. Yuam Roasted Coffee sell coffee where planted in lowlands both robusta and arabica coffee. Arabica coffee productivity here is relatively low so it is necessay to carry out a new processing such as honey processing. The purpose of this research is to find out the differences in coffee content, consumer preferences, and to see the financial analysis when coffee is processed using the honey processing, compared with the fullwashed processing which is more commonly used. The method tests that carried out includes water content, ash content, fat content, extract content using the gravimetric proximate analysis, as well as caffeine content test using a spectrophotometer. Preferred testing is done using hedonic organoleptic tests. While the financial analysis uses by net present value and benefit/cost ratio parametric. The research showed that application of honey process for “coastal arabica” coffee changes moisture content, extract content, sugar content and caffein content significanly. The overall taste of honey process have higher value (average preference is 3,77) and the finance analysis is higher (NPV and b/c ratio were Rp135.048.284 and 1,24 for fullwashed process and then increase to Rp 326.245.222 and 1,64 for honey process).
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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