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Title: Efektivitas Aplikasi Konsorsium Sinbiotik pada Udang Vaname untuk Pencegahan Koinfeksi Infectious Myonecrosis Virus dan Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Other Titles: The Effectiveness of the Sinbiotic Consortium Application in Shrimp to Prevent Coinfection of IMNV (Infectious Myonecrosis Virus) and Vibrio parahaemolyticus
Authors: Yuhana, Munti
Utomo, Agil Setya
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penyakit utama dalam budidaya udang disebabkan oleh virus dan bakteri yang dapat mengakibatkan kematian dalam skala besar. Infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV) merupakan salah satu virus yang dilaporkan dapat menginfeksi udang vaname. Selain itu, udang vaname juga rentan terserang vibriosis, yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Vibrio sp. Salah satu agen penyakit infeksi vibriosis pada udang yang saat ini berbahaya adalah Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Serangan penyakit pada udang tidak hanya disebabkan oleh satu jenis patogen, tetapi juga koinfeksi lebih dari satu jenis patogen, seperti virus dan bakteri. Segala upaya diusahakan petambak untuk mengendalikan serangan penyakit tersebut, satu diantaranya penggunaan antibiotik. Akan tetapi, antibiotik menimbulkan dampak negatif seperti meningkatkan resistensi bakteri, mencemari lingkungan, menurunkan keragaman dan jumlah mikrobiota usus, serta penggunaan beberapa jenis antibiotik sudah dilarang dalam Permen KP No 1 Tahun 2019. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan alternatif lain seperti aplikasi probiotik, prebiotik, dan sinbiotik. Aplikasi konsorsium sinbiotik dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan, aktivitas enzim, dan respons imun nonspesifik udang yang lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan penggunaan probiotik dan prebiotik secara terpisah, serta bermanfaat dalam upaya pencegahan koinfeksi pada udang vaname. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi aplikasi sinbiotik dengan probiotik multispesies secara oral dengan dosis berbeda terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan dan imunitas udang vaname pascakoinfeksi IMNV dan V. parahaemolyticus. Penelitian ini diawali dengan mencampur pakan dan konsorsium sinbiotik yang terdiri dari prebiotik mannan oligosakarida (MOS) dan probiotik dari tiga jenis bakteri, yaitu: Vibrio alginolyticus (SKT-b), Bacillus cereus (BR2), dan Pseudoalteromonas piscicida (1UB). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari lima perlakuan dan tiga ulangan dengan penambahan satu ulangan untuk lethal sampling. Jenis perlakuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pemberian pakan konsorsium dengan kepadatan sel rendah (103 CFU mL-1), sedang (106 CFU mL-1), tinggi (109 CFU mL-1), kontrol negatif (K-, tanpa pakan sinbiotik dan udang hanya disuntik larutan PBS/Phosphate-buffered saline), serta kontrol positif (K+, tanpa pakan sinbiotik, diberikan koinfeksi). Udang vaname berukuran bobot rata-rata 10,40 ± 0,96 g diberi pakan perlakuan sebanyak lima kali sehari secara at satiation. Udang dipelihara selama 30 hari dalam akuarium kaca 60x30x30 cm3 (volume media pemeliharaan 30 L) dengan suhu berkisar antara 26,5–28,5°C, salinitas 26,0–28,0 ppt, dissolved oxygen (DO) 3,5‒6,3 ppm, dan total amonia nitrogen (TAN) <0,156 mg L-1. Setelah hari ke 30, dilakukan koinfeksi dengan penyuntikan 100 µL filtrat IMNV. Selanjutnya, V. parahaemolyticus (100 µL) dengan kepadatan sel 106 CFU mL-1 disuntikkan 24 jam setelah infeksi IMNV, kemudian diamati hingga hari ke 10 pascakoinfeksi). Parameter yang diukur meliputi kinerja pertumbuhan (laju pertumbuhan spesifik (LPS), rasio konversi pakan (RKP) dan sintasan). Parameter pato- imunologis berupa gejala klinis, respons imun (total hemocyte count (THC), respiratory burst (RB), aktivitas phenoloxidase (PO)), ekspresi gen (toll-Like receptors (TLR), lipopolysaccharide β-1,3-glucan binding protein (LGBP), peroxinectin (PE), dan prophenoloxidase (proPO)), aktivitas enzim pencernaan (amilase, protease, lipase). Parameter mikrobiologis meliputi kelimpahan sel bakteri usus (total viable bacterial count (TBC) dan total vibrio count (TVC)). Parameter histopatologi yang diamati adalah gambaran histopatologi hepatopankreas serta konfirmasi IMNV dengan uji PCR. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi dengan Microsoft Excel 365 kemudian analisis data kinerja pertumbuhan, respons imun, ekspresi gen, enzim pencernaan, dan kelimpahan bakteri usus dilakukan dengan analisis varian (ANOVA) menggunakan SPSS versi 22, sedangkan data gejala klinis dan histopatologi dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan dengan penambahan konsorsium sinbiotik mampu meningkatkan kinerja pertumbuhan udang vaname yang lebih tinggi (p<0,05) dibandingkan kontrol. LPS tertinggi diperoleh oleh Sin 9 yaitu 2,57±0,08 % hari-1 dan berbeda nyata (p<0,05) dengan perlakuan lainnya. Nilai RKP perlakuan Sin 3, Sin 6, dan Sin 9 masing-masing 0,94±0,10, 0,83±0,08, dan 0,74±0,03 lebih baik dibandingkan kontrol (p<0,05). Sintasan udang pada perlakuan pakan suplementasi konsorsium sinbiotik selama pemeliharaan 30 hari tidak berbeda (p>0,05) dengan kontrol. Selanjutnya, udang yang terinfeksi menunjukkan gejala klinis berupa anoreksia, pergerakan tidak aktif, pada beberapa bagian tubuh terdapat geripis berwarna kemerah-merahan, terjadi melanisasi dan nekrosis. Tingkat infeksi berat paling sedikit dialami oleh perlakuan Sin 9 sebesar 20%. Nilai TKH pascakoinfeksi terbaik diperoleh Sin 9 yaitu 70,00±0,08 %. Hasil pemeriksaan respons imun menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi konsorsium sinbiotik mampu meningkatkan THC, RB, dan PO. Nilai THC udang pada kelompok perlakuan konsorsium sinbiotik lebih tinggi dibandingkan kontrol dan berbeda nyata (p<0,05) setelah 3 jam, 6 jam, dan 24 jam koinfeksi IMNV dan V. parahaemolyticus. Aktivitas RB kelompok perlakuan konsorsium sinbiotik meningkat pada hari ke-30 pemeliharaan, diikuti setelah 3 jam dan 6 jam koinfeksi IMNV dan V. parahaemolyticus serta berbeda nyata (p<0,05) dengan perlakuan kontrol. Selain itu, aktivitas PO udang vaname sebelum koinfeksi tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan (p>0,05) antara perlakuan kontrol dengan sinbiotik. Akan tetapi, 6 jam pascakoinfeksi terdapat perbedaan (p<0,05) pada perlakuan konsorsium sinbiotik dengan kontrol. Ekspresi gen TLR udang vaname meningkat di akhir pemeliharaan dan perlakuan Sin 6 menunjukkan nilai tertinggi (2,03±0,81). Peningkatan ekspresi gen LGBP ditemukan pada jam ke-6 pascakoinfeksi dengan nilai tertinggi diperoleh perlakuan Sin 3 (p<0,05). Ekspresi gen PE mulai menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pada jam ke-6 pascakoinfeksi dan pemberian konsorsium sinbiotik berpengaruh (p<0,05) dibandingkan kontrol. Begitu juga dengan ekspresi gen ProPO mulai terlihat ada peningkatan pada kelompok perlakuan konsorsium sinbiotik 6 jam pascakoinfeksi dan nilai tertinggi diperoleh Sin 6 yang berbeda (p<0,05) dengan perlakuan lainnya. Aktivitas enzim amilase, protease, dan lipase tertinggi diperoleh Sin 9 dengan nilai masing-masing 4,72±0,45, 0,17±0,03, dan 0,10±0,01. Di samping itu, peningkatan TBC juga diperoleh pada perlakuan Sin 9 di akhir pemeliharaan. Hasil histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa udang vaname yang diberi konsorsium sinbiotik mengalami sedikit kerusakan jaringan hepatopankreas dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif. Dengan demikian, pemberian konsorsium sinbiotik berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan udang vaname, meningkatkan respons imun, ekspresi gen, aktivitas enzim pencernaan, dan bakteri usus dengan hasil terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan Sin 9.
The major diseases problem in shrimp farming is caused by viruses and bacteria that can cause mass mortality. Infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV) is one of the viruses reported that can infect white shrimp. In addition, white shrimp are also susceptible to vibriosis, which is caused by the bacterium Vibrio sp. One of the infectious agents of vibriosis in shrimp that is currently dangerous is Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The disease invasion of shrimp is caused not only by one type of pathogen but also by coinfection, more than one type of pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria. Aquaculturists have applied various treatments to deal with disease problems including the use of antibiotics. However, antibiotics cause negative impacts, such as increasing resistance of bacteria, polluting the environment, decreasing the diversity and number of gut microbiota, and the use of several types of antibiotics has been prohibited by the Indonesian government (Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries). Therefore, other alternatives are crucial such as the application of probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics. Synbiotic consortium applications can increase shrimp's growth, enzyme activity, and nonspecific immune responses more effectively compared to probiotics and prebiotics separately, as well as useful in efforts to prevent co-infection in white shrimp. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of administering synbiotic of probiotic multispecies with different densities through feed on the growth performance and immune response of white shrimp after coinfection IMNV and V. parahaemolyticus. This research was conducted by mixing a consortium feed consisting of prebiotic mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) and probiotics of three types of bacteria, namely: Vibrio alginolyticus (SKT-b), Bacillus cereus. (BR2), and Pseudoalteromonas piscicida (1UB). This study used a completely randomized design with five treatments with three replications of each. One additional replication of each treatment was provided for the lethal sampling. Shrimp were fed with three dosages of consortium synbiotic for 30 days, namely 103 CFU mL-1 (Sin 3), 106 CFU mL-1 (Sin 6), and 109 CFU mL-1 (Sin 9), and the controls without synbiotic administration, consisted of the positive control (K+) with coinfection and the negative control (K-) without coinfection and PBS injection. White shrimp with 10,4 ± 0,96 g average body weight were fed five times a day at satiation and kept for 30 days in a glass aquarium 60x30x30 cm3 (30 L of volume) with temperatures 26,5–28,5°C, salinity 26,0–28,0 ppt, dissolved oxygen (DO) 3,5 ppm, and total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) <0,156 mg L-1. After the 30th day, coinfection was carried out by injecting 100 L of IMNV followed by 106 CFU mL-1 of V. parahaemolyticus which was injected into vaname shrimp 24 hours after IMNV infection and then observed until day 10 postinfection. Parameters measured included the shrimp growth performance (specific growth rate (SGR), and feed conversion rate (FCR) and survival rate (SR) before and after coinfection. Patho-immunological parameters include the ross clinical signs, immune response (total hemocyte count (THC), respiratory burst (RB), phenoloxidase activity (PO), gene expressions (toll-Like receptors (TLR), lipopolysaccharide β-1,3-glucan binding proteins (LGBP), peroxinectin (PE), and prophenoloxidase (proPO)), digestive enzyme activity (amylase, protease, lipase). Microbiological parameters include the abundance of intestinal bacterial cells (total viable bacterial count (TBC) and total vibrio count (TVC)). Histopathological parameters observed were the description on histopathology of hepatopancreas and confirmation of IMNV by PCR. The data obtained were tabulated with Microsoft Excel 365 and then analyzed by variant analysis (ANOVA) using SPSS version 22, except gross clinical signs and histopathology were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the administration of synbiotic consortium was able to improve the growth performance of white shrimp higher (p<0,05) than controls. The highest SGR were obtained by Sin 9 (2.57±0.08%) and differ markedly (p<0,05) with other treatments. The FCR value of Sin 3, Sin 6, and Sin 9 treatments were 0,94±0,10, 0,83±0,08, and 0,74±0,03, respectively. Shrimp survival rate which fed by synbiotic consortium supplementation for 30 days of culture did not differ (p>0,05) with control. Furthermore, infected shrimp showed clinical signs like anorexia, melanosis, empty gut, colorless hepatopancreas, and white necrotic areas in striated skeletal muscles, especially of the distal abdominal segments and uropod. The rate of severe infection was least experienced by Sin 9 treatment at 20%. The best survival rate after coinfection was obtained by Sin 9 which was 70,00±0,08%. The results of immune response measurement showed that synbiotic consortium applications were able to increase THC, RB, and PO. THC values in the synbiotic consortium treatment group were higher than those of the controls and differed markedly (p<0,05) after 3 hours, 6 hours, and 24 hours of IMNV and V. parahaemolyticus coinfection. RB activity of the synbiotic consortium treatment group increased on the 30th day of culture, followed 3 hours and 6 hours of IMNV and V. parahaemolyticus coinfection and marked differences (p<0,05) with control group. In addition, there was a difference (p<0,05) of PO activity at 6 hours after coinfection in each treatment of synbiotic consortium. The result of TLR gene expression on white shrimp increased at the end of culture and Sin 6 treatment showed the highest value (2,03±0, 81). Increasing of LGBP expression was found at the 6th hour after coinfection with the highest value produced by Sin 3 (p<0,05) PE gene expression began to show an increase at the 6th hour after coinfection and administering an influential synbiotic consortium (p<0,05) over control. Similarly, rising of proPO gene expression have been showed by synbiotic consortium treatment group after 6 hours coinfection and the highest value was Sin 6 treatment which differed (p<0,05) with other treatments. The highest value of amylase, protease, and lipase enzyme activity were produced by Sin 9 with values of 4,72±0,45, 0,17±0,03, and 0,10±0,01, respectively. Furthermore, an increase of viability bacteria was also found in Sin 9 treatment at the end of maintenance. Histopathological observation showed that the damage level of white shrimp hepatopancreas tissue on each treatment were less compared to that of positive control. Thus, administering of synbiotic consortium has a positive effect on the growth performance of white shrimp, improving immune response, gene expression, digestive enzyme activity, and intestinal bacteria, with the best results obtained by the Sin 9 treatment.
Appears in Collections:MT - Fisheries

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