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Title: Analisis Gizi dan Pendugaan Umur Simpan Keripik Pisang dengan Metode Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT)
Other Titles: Nutritional Analysis and Shelf Life Estimation of Banana Chips by Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT)
Authors: Warsiki, Endang
Anisa, Isna Nur
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Produk yang ingin diperdagangkan di Indonesia harus memiliki label pada kemasannya. Keterangan yang wajib dicantumkan pada label adalah tanggal kadaluarsa produk. Informasi nilai gizi merupakan informasi penting bagi konsumen karena dapat mempengaruhi pola makan konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis komposisi gizi, mengidentifikasi perubahan mutu pada berbagai suhu, dan menghitung umur simpan produk keripik pisang. Analisis gizi dilakukan menggunakan metode analisis proksimat terhadap tiga varian rasa keripik pisang. Perubahan mutu yang diamati adalah susut bobot, kadar air, kadar asam lemak bebas (%FFA), dan mutu organoleptik keripik pisang yang disimpan pada suhu kamar (30±1° C), 40±1° C, dan 50±1° C. Umur simpan dihitung menggunakan metode Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) melalui persamaan Arrhenius. Seratus gram keripik pisang rasa balado, sapi panggang, dan jagung bakar masing- masing mengandung air 2.80 g, 2.54 g, dan 2.62 g; karbohidrat 69.77 g, 67.49 g, dan 71.25 g; protein 1.05 g, 1.38 g, dan 1.05 g; lemak 22.58 g, 23.18 g, dan 21.78 g; serta energi total 486.47 kkal, 474.50 kkal, dan 470.19 kkal. Perubahan mutu yang terjadi adalah kenaikan bobot keripik, kadar air, dan kadar asam lemak bebas serta penurunan tingkat kesukaan terhadap keripik pisang. Umur simpan keripik pisang adalah 265 hari pada suhu penyimpanan 25°C.
A product traded in Indonesia must have a label on its packaging. Information that must have included is its expired date. Nutritional information is important for consumers because it could relate to the consumer dietary patterns. The purpose of this study was to analyze nutrient composition, identify quality changes at various temperatures, and calculate the shelf life of banana chips. Nutritional analysis was carried to proximate analysis in three flavors of banana chips. Quality changes observed included weight loss, moisture content, free fatty acid levels (%FFA), and organoleptic at room temperature (30±1°C), 40±1°C, and 50±1°C. The shelf life of the product estimated with Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) method. A hundred grams of balado, barbecue, and roasted corn flavored banana chips respectively contains water 2.80 g, 2.54 g, and 2.62 g; carbohydrates 69.77 g, 67.49 g and 71.25 g; protein 1.05 g, 1.38 g, and 1.05 g; fat of 22.58 g, 23.18 g, and 21.78 g; and total energy 486.47 kcal, 474.50 kcal, and 470.19 kcal. Quality changes that occur are an increase in the weight of chips, moisture content, and levels of freefatty acids and a decrease in the level of preference for banana chips. The shelf life of banana chips is 265 days at storage temperature of 25°C.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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