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Title: Komunikasi Kepemimpinan Transformasional dalam Pemanfaatan Website Desa
Other Titles: Transformational Leadership Communication in Village Website in Utilization
Authors: Sarwoprasodjo, Sarwititi
Destriapani, Elsa
Issue Date: 25-Apr-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Komunitas pedesaan paling membutuhkan konektivitas digital untuk mengimbangi keterpencilan mereka dalam mengakses informasi. Beragam upaya telah dilakukan pemerintah untuk mengatasi ketimpangan akses informasi, salah satunya melalui Undang-Undang Desa Pasal 86 mengenai Sistem Informasi Pembangunan Desa dan Pembangunan Kawasan Perdesaan. Dalam UU tersebut jelas disebutkan bahwa desa berhak mendapatkan akses informasi melalui sistem informasi yang dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten atau Kota. Tetapi pada kenyataannya, belum semua pemerintah daerah kabupaten atau kota memfasilitasi itu, sehingga peran kepala desa sebagai pemimpin tertinggi di pemerintahan desa dapat menjadi kunci strategis untuk membuka akses informasi dengan memanfaatkan TIK melalui website desa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis proses pembentukan website desa; (2) menganalisis komunikasi kepemimpinan transformasional kepala desa dalam pemanfaatan website desa; dan (3) menganalisis efek pemanfaatan website desa terhadap pembangunan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Warungbanten, Kecamatan Cibeber, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten, dari bulan Februari-Mei 2021. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Desain penelitian ini yaitu studi kasus. Teori yang digunakan adalah Teori Actor-Network Theory dan kepemimpinan transformasional. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Informan dipilih menggunakan snowball sampling yang terdiri dari Kepala Desa, Kaur Keuangan, Pengelola Website, Relawan TIK, Jurnalis Banten, Pendamping Lokal Desa, Pengrajin, Wakil Kasepuhan, Pemuda Desa, Petani, Mantri Tani dan Pengurus Komunitas Open Sistem Informasi Desa (Open SID). Proses wawancara dilakukan secara tatap muka langsung, zoom meeting dan telepon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepala desa melalui komunikasi kepemimpinan transformasional dalam pemanfaatan website desa dapat mengurangi digital inequality di Desa Warungbanten. Dari keempat komponen kepemimpinan transformasional, pengaruh yang diidealkan merupakan komponen yang paling kuat terkait efektivitas seorang kepala desa. Efek dari komunikasi kepala desa terhadap individu adalah motivasi, kepercayaan, dan dukungan dalam pemanfaatan website desa. Pemanfaatan website desa berefek pada meluasnya informasi tentang desa kepada khalayak luas, manajemen data desa lebih efektif dan efisien, meningkatnya transparansi keuangan, meningkatnya produktivitas ekonomi lokal dan mendapatkan berbagai penghargaan.
Rural communities need digital connectivity the most to compensate for their remoteness in accessing information. Various efforts have been made by the government to overcome inequality in access to information, one of which is through Article 86 of the Village Law concerning Village Development Information Systems and Rural Area Development. The law clearly states that the village has the right to get access to information through the information system developed by the Regency or City Government. But in reality, not all district or city governments have facilitated it, so the role of the village head as the highest leader in village government can be a strategic key to open access to information by utilizing ICT through village websites. This study aims to: (1) analyze the process of forming a village website; (2) analyze the transformational leadership communication of the village head in the utilization of the village website; and (3) analyze the effect of using village websites on the development. This research was conducted in Warungbanten Village, Cibeber District, Lebak Regency, Banten Province, from February-May 2021. The research method used was a qualitative method with a constructivist paradigm. The design of this research is a case study. This study chose the case of the village website in Warungbanten Village to analyze the communication of the village head in the process of utilizing the village website which was successfully used to accelerate village development. The theory used is the Actor-Network Theory and transformational leadership. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Informants were selected using snowball sampling consisting of Village Heads, Finance Officers, Website Managers, ICT Volunteers, Banten Journalists, Village Local Assistants, Craftsmen, Kasepuhan Representatives, Village Youth, Farmers, Farmers Mantri and Community Management Open Village Information Systems (Open SID) . The interview process was carried out face-to-face, zoom meeting and telephone. Through transformational leadership communication in village websites, the results showed that village heads could reduce digital inequality in Warungbanten Village. Of the four components of transformational leadership, idealized influence is the most vital component related to the effectiveness of a village head. The effect of village head communication on individuals is motivation, trust, and support in using village websites. The utilization of village websites impacts expanding information about villages to a broad audience, more effective and efficient village data management, increasing financial transparency, increasing local economic productivity, and getting various awards.
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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