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Title: Pengaruh Gaya Pengasuhan dan Empati terhadap Perilaku Bullying Remaja di Pesantren
Other Titles: The Influence of Parenting Style and Emphaty on Teenager’s Bullying Behavior in Islamic Boarding School
Authors: Alfiasari, Alfiasari
Nurjanah, Imas
Issue Date: Apr-2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kehidupan anak di pesantren yang terpisah dari orang tua dan hidup bersama wali pengasuh dan teman memberikan tantangan tersendiri bagi kehidupan remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh gaya pengasuhan dan empati terhadap perilaku bullying remaja di pesantren. Penelitian berlokasi di satu pesantren di Kabupaten Sukabumi yang ditentukan secara purposive. Penelitian melibatkan 90 santri yang dipilih menggunakan proportional random sampling. Hasil uji hubungan menemukan bahwa dimensi penolakan gaya pengasuhan ayah dan ibu memiliki hubungan positif signifikan dengan kecenderungan perilaku bullying menjadi pelaku, sementara dimensi dukungan ibu memiliki hubungan negatif signifikan dengan kecenderungan perilaku bullying menjadi pelaku. Hasil uji hubungan juga menemukan gaya pengasuhan ayah, ibu, dan pengasuh di pesantren memiliki hubungan positif signifikan dengan empati. Hasil uji pengaruh menemukan jenis kelamin, gaya pengasuhan ayah, gaya pengasuhan ibu, dan empati memiliki pengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kecenderungan perilaku bullying menjadi pelaku. Kata kunci: perilaku bullying, empati, pesantren, gaya pengasuhan, remaja
Children who live in Islamic boarding schools that are separated from their parents and live with their alternative caregivers and friends provide their challenges for the lives of teenagers. This study aims to analyze the effect of parenting style and empathy on adolescent bullying behavior in Islamic boarding schools. The study was located in one Islamic boarding school in Sukabumi Regency, determined purposively. The study involved 90 students who were selected using proportional random sampling. The result of the relationship test results found that the dimensions of father and mother’s parenting style rejection had a significant positive relationship with tendency of bullying behavior to become perpetrators, while the mother's support dimension had a significant negative relationship with tendency of bullying behavior to become perpetrators. The relationship test results also found that the parenting style of father, mother, and caregiver in Islamic Boarding School had a significant positive relationship with empathy. The influence test results found that gender, father's parenting style, mother's parenting style, and empathy had a significant negatively influence on the tendency of bullying behavior to become perpetrators.
Appears in Collections:UT - Family and Consumer Sciences

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