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dc.contributor.advisorAchsani, Noer Azam-
dc.contributor.advisorAnggraini, Raden Isma-
dc.contributor.authorPratama, Gema Julian-
dc.description.abstractHealy Drink adalah produk minuman kesehatan berbahan dasar rimpang jahe. Produk ini dibuat untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Healy Drink untuk mengembangkan strategi bisnis yang tepat, merancang model bisnis Healy Drink untuk mengembangkan strategi bisnis yang tepat, dan memformulasikan strategi bisnis Healy Drink agar dapat bersaing di pasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Business Model Canvas dan Customer Discovery dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini merupakan BMC Healy Drink terverifikasi berupa penambahan pada elemen value propositions dan channels, yaitu mengemas detail ingredients pada produk, menambah channel market place dan endorsement, membuat kemasan go
dc.description.abstractHealy Drink is a health drink product made from ginger rhizome. This product is made to increase immunity. This study aims to identify the problems faced by Healy Drink to develop the right business strategy, design the Healy Drink business model to develop the right business strategy, and formulate the Healy Drink business model strategy in order to compete in the market. This study uses the Business Model Canvas and Customer Discovery methods with qualitative descriptive approach. The result of this research are verified business model canvas Healy Drink, in the form of additions to the value propositions of elements and channels, namely packaging detail of ingredients on the product, adding market channels and endorsement, making packaging go
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleHealy Drink: Model Bisnis Minuman Rimpang Kekinian untuk Kesehatan Tubuhid
dc.title.alternativeHealy Drink: The Contemporary Rhizome Drink Business Model for Body Healthid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordBusiness Model Canvasid
dc.subject.keywordCustomer Discoveryid
dc.subject.keywordDaya Tahan Tubuhid
dc.subject.keywordRimpang Jaheid
dc.subject.keywordStrategi Bisnisid
Appears in Collections:UT - Business

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