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Title: Komunikasi Krisis Penanganan Covid-19 di Pemerintah Kota Bogor
Other Titles: Bogor City Government’s Communication Crisis in Handling Covid-19
Authors: Lubis, Djuara Pangihutan
Budianto, Heri
Putri, Tri Isniarti
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Menyebarnya virus Covid-19 secara masif di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat mayoritas terjadi pada kluster keluarga. Data yang ditemukan sebanyak 729 kasus atau 46 persen dari total kasus di Indonesia, dengan angka positif tertinggi terjadi pada anak dan lansia yakni sebanyak 88 persen ( 2020); ( 2020); (CNN Indonesia 2020); (Firdaus 2020); (Kementerian Kesehatan 2020). Akibat transmisi tersebut, menimbulkan banyak dampak buruk, menurut WHO (2020d) eksistensi Severe Acurate Respiatory Syndrome Coronovarius 2 (SARS-CoV2) bukan saja mengancam kesehatan masyarakat dunia tetapi konsekuesninya melebar diberbagai sektor kehidupan lainnya seperti ekonomi, sosial, dan infrastruktur. Dilansir media CNN Indonesia, sebanyak 77 persen masyarakat Kota Bogor mengaku terdampak secara ekonomi atau mengalami penuruan pendapatan. Estimasi total kerugian ekonomi akibat adanya Covid-19 terhadap pariwisata sebesar Rp81.792.565.000 (Nizar 2021), serta menjamurnya pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) sebanyak 42 persen (Dale 2020). Bersamaan dengan itu, beredarnya infodemik secara eksponensial dan ketidakpastian berakhirnya pandemi membuat kondisi semakin rumit. Bersamaan dengan itu, beredarnya infodemik secara eksponensial dan ketidakpastian berakhirnya pandemi membuat kondisi semakin rumit. Dampak-dampak akibat pandemi Covid-19 ini membuat pemerintah mempunyai tanggung jawab yang besar untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut. Menurut Andiraharja (2020) peran pemerintah daerah sangat penting dalam pengendalian Covid-19 di masing-masing wilayah. Komunikasi krisis menjadi upaya sentral dalam manajemen krisis (Pemkot Bogor), dalam hal ini dapat dipahami sebagai sebuah kumpulan, proses, atau diseminasi informasi yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi situasi krisis. Kerangka pemahaman model CERC, memposisikan komunikasi sebagai suatu hal yang fundamental dalam sebuah peristiwa krisis khususnya krisis kesehatan. Adapun faktor-faktor pendukung dalam menentukan keberhasilan komunikasi krisis yakni saluran komunikasi dan keterlibatan seorang aktor komunikasi yang unsur-unsurnya dapat diidentifikasi dengan melakukan kerjasama di berbagai lapisan masyarakat seperti pemerintah, sektor swasta, organisasi non pemerintah, individu, media massa. Secara garis besar, penelitian terdahulu banyak mengulas tentang bagaimana pengelolaan krisis di organisasi pemerintahan tetapi dari sisi teori yang peneliti gunakan masih belum banyak dilakukan. Peneliti menemukan ada satu penelitian yang membahas teori tersebut yaitu dari Veil et al. (2008) Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication as an Integrative Model, namun pengaplikasian teori ini tidak secara aplikasi dibahas secara mendalam hanya sebatas rekomendasi sebuah model untuk digunakan ketika dalam keadaan krisis di bidang kesehatan. Berdasarkan uraian di atas peneliti merasa perlu melakukan penelitian lebih lanjut maka disusun tujuan penelitian menganalisis proses komunikasi krisis, dalam hal ini perkembangan aktor, pesan, dan saluran komunikasi krisis Pemerintah Kota Bogor dalam penanganan Covid-19. Kajian mengenai komunikasi krisis menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dengan pendekatan ilmiah deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian yakni Pemerintah Kota Bogor, Data primer penelitian didapatkan dari wawancara terhadap para informan penelitian dengan lokasi penelitian di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat. Penentuan informan dilakukan dengan purposive sampling, dipilih berdasarkan hirarki organisasi Satuan Gugus Tugas (SATGAS) Covid-19 dengan mengacu pada peran dan tugas masing-masing dan masyarakat Kota Bogor. Sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dengan observasi dan dokumentasi seperti foto-foto, video kegiatan SATGAS Covid-19, Perwali, Surat Edaran dan data-sumber lainnya. Sementara itu, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengumpulkan data dari mulai Maret 2020-Maret 2021 sedangkan dalam menganalisa data penelitian membutuhkan waktu 4 bulan, yaitu Maret-Juli 2021. Adapun kegiatan analisis data kualitatif menerapkan tiga proses yakni kondensasi, display data, dan kesimpulan dengan acuannya mengarah pada tahapan krisis model CERC seperti periode pre crisis (pra krisis), initial event (awal krisis), maintenance (selama krisis), dan resolution (resolusi). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa usaha Pemkot Bogor dalam mempertahankan keselamatan manusia dari bahayanya Covid-19 membuat proses komunikasi yang terjadi mengalami perkembangan, menyesuaikan dengan periode krisis yang terjadi, proses komunikasi tersebut tentunya . Pada fase precrisis, pada bagian aktor, diawali dengan membentuk tim krisis yang khusus mengelola krisis kesehatan global. Adapun tim yang terlibat hanya dari kalangan Pemkot Bogor seperti ASN Birokrat, dokter, TNI, dan POLRI. Unsur pesan yang disajikan mengacu pada aspek dasar Covid-19 seperti pengenalan, risiko, dan pengendalian, sementara itu, Pemkot Bogor memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai alat untuk menyebarkan informasi Covid-19 dan respons di masyarakat, yakni kebingungan dan acuh. Kedua, periode initial event, peran aktor berkembang menyesuaikan dengan keadaan, melibatkan banyak konstituen baik dari unsur pemerintah, swasta, maupun masyarakat tetapi tugas yang diberikan belum secara jelas tergambar. Pada bagian pesan, informasi yang disosialisasikan mengedepankan keterbukaan informasi secara cepat, tepat dan akurat, kredibel, dan konsisten kepada publik. Saluran komunikasi digunakan di banyak media, antara lain media konvesional, digital, dan media massa, sementara itu respons masyarakat adalah sebagian taat, bingung, cemas, yang tidak merasakan sosialisasi dari Pemkot Bogor. Peneliti menemukan telah terdapat banyak kesimpangsiuran informasi yang sebenarnya menurut model CERC berada pada fase maintenance atau krisis berkelanjutan. Komunikasi krisis ditahap maintenance, peran aktor dibagi menjadi dua kategori, yakni aktor langsung dan tak langsung. Aktor langsung adalah aktor yang dinaungi atau diberi tugas langsung oleh Pemkot Bogor sedangkan aktor tidak langsung, tidak dinaungi namun perannya sangat berpengaruh dan menjadi pendukung dari strategi yang dilakukan. Aktor langsung yaitu merpati dan tim elang. Tim merpati bertugas melakukan sosialisasi dan tim elang melakukan pengawasan, Pada aktor tidak langsung seperti masyarakat, media massa, dan akademisi. Wujud pesan yang disosialisasikan selain himbauan yaitu kebijakan-kebijakan. Alat komunikasi juga digunakan selain media konvesioanl, media massa, dan media digital juga menggunakan pendekatan komunikasi langsung atau tatap muka. Adapun jangkauan salurannya bukan saja sebagai alat komunikasi tetapi untuk masukan dan pelaporan masyarakat. Demikian juga perkembangan repson masyarakat adalah taat dan abai. Di level resolution, perkembangan aktor komunikasi krisis sangat berbeda dengan periode-periode sebelumnya karena peran Pemkot Bogor dalam penanganan Covid-19 menjadi terpusat dan keterlibatan aktor hanya menyesuaikan dengan fungsi dan tugas OPD-OPD terkait. Pesan yang dibangun mencakup dua indikator yakni transformasi pesan risiko dan relasi sosial kepada masyarakat. Saluran komunikasi di fase resolusi tidak terlalu mengalami perkembangan dari periode-periode sebelumnya, tetap konsisten menggunakan beberapa media, sementara respons yang ditunjukan masyarakat antara lain taat dan abai. Dari ketiga faktor yang dipaparkan baik aktor, pesan, dan saluran yang memengaruhi ketiga aktor tersebut adalah saluran komunikasikarena pemanfaatannya tidak lagi sekedar meningkatkaj pengetahuan atau pemahaman masyarakat yang selalu ditekankan pada periode sebelumnya tetapi mengarahkan pada perlindungan diri untuk memudahkan masyarakat mengetahui risiko Covid-19 dengam terintergrasinya nomor penduduk di dalam nya.
The massive spread of the Covid-19 virus in Bogor City, West Java mostly occurred in family clusters. The data found were 729 cases or 46 percent of the total cases in Indonesia, with the highest positive numbers occurring in children and the elderly, namely 88 percent ( 2020); ( 2020); (CNN Indonesia 2020); (Firdaus 2020); (Kementerian Kesehatan 2020) the existence of Severe Accurate Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV2) not only threatens the health of the world's people, but the consequences are wider in various other sectors of life such as the economy, social and infrastructure. Reported by CNN Indonesia media, as many as 77 percent of the people of Bogor City claimed to be economically affected or experienced a decrease in income. The estimated total economic loss due to Covid-19 on tourism is IDR 81,792,565,000 (Nizar 2021), as well as the proliferation of layoffs (PHK) as much as 42 percent (Dale 2020). At the same time, the exponential spread of the infodemic and the uncertainty of the end of the pandemic making conditions even more complicated. Various anticipations are certainly carried out to reduce the negative trends that occur, one of which is the role of local governments in controlling Covid-19 in each region. Crisis communication is a central effort in crisis management. In a terminology review, crisis communication can be understood as a collection, process, or dissemination of information carried out to resolve a crisis situation. The framework for understanding the CERC model positions communication as a fundamental thing in a crisis event, especially a health crisis. The supporting factors in determining the success of crisis communication can be seen from the communication channels and the involvement of various roles of a communication actor whose elements can be identified by collaborating in various levels of society such as government, private sector, non-governmental organizations, individuals, mass media. Broadly speaking, previous research has discussed a lot about how to manage crisis in government organizations, but in terms of the theory that researchers use is still not widely done. Researchers found that there is one study that discusses the theory, namely from Veil et al. (2008)Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication as an Integrative Model, but the application of this theory is not discussed in depth, only as a recommendation for a model to be used when in a state of crisis in the health sector. Based on the description above, the researcher feels the need to conduct further research, so the research objective is to analyse the crisis communication process, in this case the development of actors, messages, and crisis communication channels for the Bogor City Government in handling Covid-19. The study of crisis communication uses the constructivism paradigm with a qualitative descriptive scientific approach. The object of research is the Bogor City Government. Primary data of the research were obtained from interviews with research informants with the research location in Bogor City, West Java. The determination of informants was carried out by purposive sampling, selected based on the organizational hierarchy of the Covid-19 Task Force (SATGAS) with reference to their respective roles and duties and the people of Bogor City. While secondary data was obtained by observation and documentation such as photos, videos of the activities of the Covid-19 Task Force, Perwali, Circulars and other data. Meanwhile, the time needed to collect data is from March 2020-March 2021 while analysing research data takes 4 months, namely March-July 2021. The qualitative data analysis activities apply three processes, namely condensation, data display, and conclusions with references. leading to the crisis stages of the CERC model such as the pre-crisis period (pre-crisis), initial event (beginning of the crisis), maintenance (during the crisis), and resolution (resolution). This study found that the Bogor City Government's efforts to maintain human safety from the dangers of Covid-19 made the communication process that occurred developed, adjusting to the crisis period that occurred. During the precrisis period, communication efforts lead to preparation, namely from the source (actor), message (message), channel (channel) and public response. For actors, it begins with forming a crisis team that specializes in managing global health crises. The teams involved are only from the Bogor City Government's internal circles. Message (message) presents the basic messages of Covid-19 with the aim of providing education and understanding to its citizens about the bad possibilities that will occur. In the aspect of communication channels, the Bogor City Government utilizes social media as a tool to disseminate information on Covid-19. Based on the factors of the three sub-points, the most influential of the communication strategy is the role of actors because planning is based on the ability to know the root of the problem. Facts on the ground that the Bogor City Government has not been able to understand in detail the risk of a crisis that will occur so that it affects the communication strategy that is carried out such as the message that is published cannot reach the community as a whole because the Bogor City Government only uses one communication tool, namely social media. Second, the initial event period, the actor's role involves many constituents from the government, private sector, and community elements but the tasks given are not yet clearly defined. In the message section, the information disseminated prioritizes the disclosure of information quickly, precisely and accurately to the public so that information needs in handling procedures can be properly met, such as releasing quantitative data on patients infected with Covid-19 per day. Meanwhile, communication channels are used in many media, including conventional, digital, and mass media. Researchers found that there has been a lot of confusion in information that according to the CERC model, they are in the maintenance phase or ongoing crisis. Usually, the public's need for Covid-19 information is important given that the condition of the area is at a crisis level so that the communication strategy that influences the message is at the message point. The role of the actor is divided into two categories during the maintenance stage, namely direct and indirect actors. Direct actors are actors who are sheltered or given direct assignments by the Bogor City Government, such as the formation of a pigeon team and an eagle team. The pigeon team is tasked with conducting outreach and the eagle team is supervising, while the indirect actors, on the other hand, are not covered by the Bogor City Government, but their role is very influential and supports the strategies carried out such as the community, mass media, and academics. Meanwhile, the message that was socialized was in the form of policies. The communication tools used in this stage, apart from conventional, digital, and mass media, also use direct or face-to-face communication. The reach of the channel is not only a communication tool but also for public input and reporting. In this period, things that affect the smoothness and success of crisis communication are based on actors and channels because in this phase, the task is not to prioritize information needs but rather to try to get the community to act and behave in accordance with what the CERC model recommends, while the channel is a means of disseminating information so that such information can be continuously disseminated to the public. At the resolution level, the development of crisis communication actors is very different from previous periods because the role of the Bogor City Government in handling Covid-19 has become centralized and the involvement of actors only adjusts to the functions and duties of the related OPDs. The message that is built includes two indicators, namely the transformation of risk messages and social relations to the community. Meanwhile, communication channels in the resolution phase did not experience much development from the previous periods, but remained consistent using several media. Of the three factors described by actors, messages, and channels, the thing that influences the success of communication is the communication channel because its use is no longer just increasing people's knowledge or understanding which has always been emphasized in previous periods but leads to self-protection such as applications. Peduli Protect which was deliberately created to make it easier for the public to know the risk of Covid-119 by integrating the population number in it
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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