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Title: Purifikasi Garam Rakyat menjadi Bahan Baku Garam Beryodium Berstandar SNI dengan Metode Hidroekstraksi dalam Suasana Alkali
Other Titles: Purification of Traditional Salt to SNI Standard Iodized Salt Raw Material Through Hydroextraction Method in Alkaline
Authors: Farid, Muhammad
Khotib, Mohammad
Mardiana, Yuyun
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kebutuhan garam dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat, tetapi belum diikuti dengan kualitas garam rakyat sesuai standar bahan baku garam konsumsi beryodium. Hingga saat ini berbagai metode purifikasi terus dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas garam rakyat. Dalam penelitian ini purifikasi menggunakan metode hidroekstraksi dengan tambahan CaO dan NaOH sebagai bahan pengikat pengotor. Garam yang digunakan ialah garam krosok dari media tanah dan plastik geomembran. Metode hidroekstraksi berhasil menurunkan kadar pengotor dan meningkatkan kadar NaCl. Kadar pengotor Ca, Mg, dan SO4 dari kedua jenis garam setelah purifikasi menurun, berturut-turut 8,42%; 24,62%; 11,90% dan 61,24%; 0,26%; 0,43%. Kadar NaCl garam dari media plastik dan media geomembran berturut-turut meningkat 1,49% dan 1,38%. Kadar NaCl yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar sebagai bahan baku untuk garam konsumsi beryodium kualitas garam K1 dan K2.
The need for salt from year to year is increasing, but the quality of traditional salt has not followed it according to standards as raw material for iodized consumption salt. Until now, various purification methods have continued to be developed to improve the quality of traditional salt. Purification was carried out in this research using the hydroextraction method by adding CaO and NaOH as binders for impurities. The salt used was krosok salt from soil media and geomembrane plastic. The hydroextraction method succeeded in reducing the level of impurities and increasing the level of NaCl. The impurity levels of Ca, Mg, and SO4 of the two types of salt used after purification decreased by 8,42%; 24,62%; 11,90% and 61,24%; 0,26%; 0,43%. NaCl salt content from the plastic media and the geomembrane media increased by 1,49% and 1,38%, respectively. The level of NaCl produced complies with the standard as a raw material for iodized consumption salt with the quality of K1 and K2 salts.
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry

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