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Title: Animal Biodiversity in the lowland Batang Toru Forest, South Tapanuli, Indonesia
Other Titles: Biodiversitas Hewan di Hutan Dataran Rendah Batang Toru, Tapanuli Selatan, Indonesia
Authors: Rianti, Puji
Putra, Hirmas Fuady
Tanio, Ruli
Harahap, Nurul Afifah
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tropical rainforests are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna on earth. Batang Toru Forest (North Sumatra, Indonesia) is known for its robust wild biodiversity. This study inventoried the biodiversity of amphibians, reptiles, and mammals in the South Tapanuli area of forest, located in the lowland with an altitude of 110-347 meter above sea level (masl). This study aimed to determine the diversity of three classes of animals in four study areas adjacent to a mining area. The method used was purposive sampling. The data were analysed with diversity, evenness, and dominance indices. As many as 29 amphibians, 23 reptiles, and 16 mammals' species were recorded. The diversity of species was found highest in the study area of I for amphibians and reptiles. The study area of III was high for mammals. There are five species listed as threatened by IUCN, nine species listed by CITES appendix, and six species protected by the Indonesian government. It can be concluded that the study areas were in sustainable condition, indicated by variegated amphibians, reptiles, and mammal species of different ecological functions.
Hutan hujan tropis adalah rumah bagi beragam flora dan fauna di bumi. Hutan Batang Toru (Sumatera Utara, Indonesia) dikenal dengan keanekaragaman hayati yang kuat. Studi ini menginventarisasi keanekaragaman hayati amfibi, reptil, dan mamalia di kawasan hutan Tapanuli Selatan yang terletak di dataran rendah dengan ketinggian 110-347 meter di atas permukaan laut (mdpl). Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman tiga kelas satwa di empat area studi yang berdampingan dengan area pertambangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan indeks keanekaragaman, kemerataan, dan dominansi. Tercatat sebanyak 29 spesies amfibi, 23 reptil, dan 16 mamalia ditemukan. Keanekaragaman spesies tertinggi ditemukan di area studi I untuk amfibi dan reptil, serta area studi III untuk mamalia. Ada lima spesies yang dikategorikan terancam oleh IUCN, sembilan spesies terdaftar dalam apendiks CITES, dan enam spesies dilindungi oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa area studi berada dalam kondisi lestari, ditandai dengan keanekaragaman spesies amfibi, reptil, dan mamalia dengan berbagai fungsi ekologi berbeda.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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