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Title: Komposisi dan Luas Relung Makanan Ikan Endemik Beseng-Beseng (Marosatherina ladigesi Ahl, 1936) di Sungai Batu Puteh, Bone, Sulawesi Selatan
Other Titles: Diet Composition and Niche Breadth of Endemic Celebes Rainbowfish (Marosatherina ladigesi Ahl, 1936) in Batu Puteh River, Bone, South Sulawesi
Authors: Simanjuntak, Charles Parningotan Haratua
Djumanto, Djumanto
Christo, Stephan
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Berbagai tekanan ekologis yang terjadi di semua sungai di Sulawesi Selatan telah mengancam populasi ikan air tawar endemik, salah satunya adalah ikan beseng-beseng (Marosatherina ladigesi). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis jenis makanan, komposisi makanan, dan luas relung makanan ikan beseng-beseng di Sungai Batu Puteh. Sampel ikan beseng-beseng ditangkap setiap bulan dari Mei 2018 sampai April 2019 di Sungai Batu Puteh. Beberapa parameter fisik-kimiawi perairan juga diukur dan diamati setiap pengambilan contoh dilakukan. Pengukuran panjang dan bobot ikan serta identifikasi makanan ikan dilakukan di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi perairan Sungai Batu Puteh masih layak untuk mendukung kelangsungan hidup ikan beseng-beseng. Ikan beseng-beseng memanfaatkan larva insekta sebagai makanan utama sepanjang tahun dengan komposisi ordo insekta yang beragam setiap bulannya. Ikan beseng-beseng mempunyai luas relung makanan yang sempit dan tumpang tindih relung antar jenis kelamin yang tinggi. Ikan beseng-beseng mengembangkan strategi generalis dalam memanfaatkan makanan yang tersedia di alam.
Various ecological pressures that occur in all rivers of the South Sulawesi have threatened the endemic freshwater fish population such as Celebes rainbowfish (Marosatherina ladigesi). The purposes of this study were to analyze the diet type, dietary composition, and niche breadth of the Celebes rainbowfish in Batu Puteh River. Fish samples were collected monthly from May 2018 to April 2019 in Batu Puteh River. Some of the physico-chemical parameters of Batu Puteh River were also measured and observed every time sampling was carried out. Measurement of body length, body weight, and dietary identification were carried out in the laboratory. The results show that the Batu Puteh River is suitable to support the life of Celebes rainbowfish. This species consumes insect larvae as their main food throughout the year with the insect orders composition are varies every month. Celebes rainbowfish has a narrow dietary niche and a high value of dietary overlap between sexes. Moreover, this species shows a generalist feeding strategy when utilizing food resources in the river.
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquatic Resources Management

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