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Title: Analisis Perkembangan Penelitian Reklamasi Lahan Pasca Tambang Batu Bara di Indonesia
Other Titles: Analysis of Development of Post-Coal Mining Land Reclamation Research in Indonesia
Authors: Mansur, Irdika
Purba, Andro Clift Yansen
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pertambangan merupakan salah satu sektor yang dapat menyumbangkan devisa besar bagi negara. Komoditas pertambangan di Indonesia diklasifikasikan menjadi mineral, batu bara, serta minyak dan gas. Batu bara di Indonesia umumnya diekstrak dengan sistem penambangan terbuka yang menghilangkan ekosistem hutan beserta fungsinya. Kegiatan tersebut menyebabkan terbentuknya lahan terdegradasi sehingga dibutuhkan penerapan kegiatan revegetasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan penelitian untuk mendukung keberhasilan reklamasi tambang batu bara di Indonesia serta mengetahui kategori penelitian yang kurang mendapat perhatian dan perlu pengembangan lebih lanjut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan semua informasi yang tersedia secara online berasal dari jurnal, repository, buku dan sumber yang terkait dengan kegiatan reklamasi lahan bekas tambang batu bara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kategori yang paling banyak diteliti adalah kategori kualitas tanah dan kategori pemilihan jenis tanaman dengan masing-masing 23 judul penelitian, sedangkan kategori persemaian yang paling sedikit diteliti, yaitu hanya 2 (dua) judul penelitian. Kata kunci: batu bara, jenis tanaman, reklamasi, tanah tambang
Mining is one of the sectors that can contribute large foreign exchange for the country. Mining commodities in Indonesia are classified into minerals, coal, and oil and gas. Coal in Indonesia is generally extracted by an open-pit mining system which eliminates forest ecosystems and their functions. These activities lead to the formation of degraded land so that the implementation of revegetation activities is needed. This study aims to determine the development of research to support the success of coal mine reclamation in Indonesia and to find out aspects of research that have received less attention and need further development. The research was conducted by collecting all the information available online from journals, repositories, books and sources related to land reclamation activities of former coal mines. Based on the results of the research, the most studied categories were the soil quality category and the plant species selection category with 23 research titles each, while the nursery aspect was the least studied, namely only 2 (two) research titles. Keywords: coal, mining land, reclamation, types of plants
Appears in Collections:UT - Silviculture

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