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Title: Kinerja Sprayer Gendong Bermotor untuk Pemupukan Cair pada Budidaya Jagung
Authors: Pramuhadi, Gatot
Anam, Ferry Saiful
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pemupukan cair menggunakan sprayer gendong bermotor mampu menghasilkan droplet nutrisi yang diserap stomata tanaman jagung sehingga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas jagung. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan dan menganalisis kinerja sprayer gendong bermotor untuk pemupukan cair tanaman jagung pada beberapa pengaturan jumlah dan tipe nosel. Pengaturan jumlah nosel yang digunakan adalah 1 nosel, 2 nosel, dan 4 nosel yang dikombinasikan menggunakan nosel tipe kipas dan tipe kerucut. Penelitian di laboratorium (indoor testing) dilakukan untuk mengukur parameter utama penyemprotan meliputi debit penyemprotan efektif, lebar penyemprotan efektif, diameter dan kerapatan droplet. Penelitian di lapangan (outdoor testing) dilakukan untuk mengukur parameter keberhasilan pemupukan cair meliputi tinggi tanaman, hari pemunculan bunga, diameter dan bobot tongkol berkelobot. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja sprayer gendong bermotor optimum pada bukaan throttle 50% menggunakan 4 nosel kerucut dengan diameter droplet 167.37 μm, kerapatan droplet 352.56 droplet cm-2, lebar penyemprotan efektif 160 cm, tinggi penyemprotan efektif 67.19 cm, dan debit penyemprotan efektif 5.22 liter menit-1. Keberhasilan pemupukan cair ditunjukkan dengan pemunculan bunga betina dan jantan pada umur tanaman 40 HST (hari setelah tanam) dan 47 HST, rata-rata tinggi tanaman 210.93 cm pada umur 57 HST, diameter tongkol berkelobot 6.2 cm buah-1, serta bobot tongkol berkelobot 406.5 gram buah-1.
Liquid fertilization using a motorized carrying sprayer is able to produce a nutrient droplet absorbed by the stomata of corn plants so that it can increase corn productivity. This study aims to determine and analyze the performance of a motorized carrying sprayer for liquid fertilization of corn plants in several regulation of the number and type of nozzle. The number of nozzles used is 1 nozzle, 2 nozzles, and 4 nosels combined using fan type nozzles and cone types. Research in the laboratory (indoor testing) is carried out to measure the main parameters of spraying including effective spraying discharge, effective spraying width, diameter and droplet density. Research in the field (outdoor testing) is carried out to measure the success of the success of liquid fertilization covers the height of the plant, the day of the flower appearance, diameter and weight of the cob. The results of the study showed that the optimum motorized driving sprayer performance on 50% throttle openings used 4 cone nozzles with a diameter of droplet 167.37 μm, droplet density 352.56 droplet cm-2, effective spraying width 160 cm, high spraying effective 67.19 cm, and effective spraying discharge of 5.22 liters minute-1. The success of liquid fertilization is indicated by the appearance of female and male flowers at the age of 40 HST plant (day after planting) and 47 HST, the average plant height is 210.93 cm at the age of 57 HST, the diameter of the cob batches 6.2 cm fruit-1, and cob weight weights 406.5 gram fruit-1.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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