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dc.contributor.advisorSulaeman, Ahmad-
dc.contributor.advisorMarliyati, Sri Anna-
dc.contributor.authorNusa, Cassandra Permata-
dc.description.abstractPenelitian propolis sebagai antiemesis hingga saat ini masih terbatas pada ekstraknya saja. Fikri et al. (2018) menemukan bahwa ekstrak propolis Indonesia dapat menghambat emesis sebesar 44.96% hingga 98.51% pada anak ayam. Ekstrak propolis sendiri berpotensi dalam mengatasi atau mencegah emesis secara non- farmakologis. Namun, ekstrak propolis mempunyai aroma dan rasa yang kuat, sehingga diperlukan teknik khusus dalam pengembangannya. Teknik spray drying dapat menjadi alternatif untuk mengatasi kelemahan propolis. Ekstrak propolis yang dikeringkan disebut mikrokapsul propolis. Mikrokapsul ini dapat ditambahkan ke produk yang umum dikonsumsi saat kehamilan yaitu susu sapi dalam bentuk serbuk. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk susu ibu hamil dengan penambahan mikroenkapsulasi propolis lebah tanpa sengat (Trigona itama) sebagai antiemesis pada kehamilan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2019 hingga Januari 2020. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Analisis Zat Gizi, Laboratorium Riset Unggulan IPB, Balai Pascapanen Cimanggu Bogor, Unit Pengelolaan Hewan Laboratorium, SEAFAST Center LPPM IPB. Ekstraksi propolis menggunakan metode ultrasound dengan pelarut air (Fikri et al. 2018). Metode spray drying digunakan untuk teknik mikroenkapsulasi propolis (Busch et al. 2017). Mikroenkapsulasi propolis menggunakan tiga formula dengan perbandingan ekstrak propolis dan jumlah penyalut yaitu F1 (1:1), F2 (1:2), dan F3 (1:3). Aktivitas antioksidan dianalisis dengan metode DPPH (Salazar-Aranda et al. 2011). Analisis total flavonoid menggunakan AlCl3 (BPOM 2004) dan total fenol menggunakan metode Follin-Ciocalteau colorimetric (Marinova et al. 2005). Formula susu propolis dibuat dalam dua rasa yaitu vanila dan cokelat. Aktivitas antiemesis menggunakan anak ayam sebagai hewan coba (Fikri et al. 2018). Ekstrak propolis Trigona itama memiliki rendemen sebesar 13.73%. Rendemen mikrokapsul propolis berkisar antara 32.27% dan 65.22%. IC50 ekstrak propolis adalah 965.889 ppm, sementara F1 memiliki IC50 tertinggi dibandingkan formula lainnya yaitu 1692.131 ppm. Ekstrak propolis memiliki total flavonoid dan fenol berturut-turut sebesar 0.160% dan 0.467%. F1 memiliki total flavonoid, total fenol, dan efisiensi mikroenkapsulasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan formula lainnya (0.080%, 0.381%, 81.693%). Susu propolis dibuat dari susu serbuk komersil rasa vanila dan mikrokapsul F1. Susu propolis memiliki kadar air 2.51%, abu 4.24%, protein 22.69%, lemak 4.05%, karbohidrat 66.50%, dan energi 403.39 kkal. Persen inhibisi dari analisis aktivitas antiemesis berkisar antara 82.67% dan 98.36%. Semua propolis tidak berbeda signifikan dengan kontrol positif metoclopramide dan susu antiemesis komersil. Penelitian ini berhasil menunjukkan bahwa susu ibu hamil dengan penambahan mikrokapsul propolis dapat menghambat emesis pada anak
dc.description.abstractResearch on propolis as an antiemesis is still limited and mostly only research on its extract. Fikri et al. (2018) found that Indonesian propolis extract could inhibit emesis by 44.96% to 98.51% in chicks. Propolis extract itself has the potential to treat or prevent emesis non-pharmacologically. However, propolis extract has a strong aroma and taste, so a special technique was needed in its development. Spray drying technique can be an alternative to overcome propolis weakness. The dried propolis extract is called propolis microcapsule. These microcapsules can be added to products commonly consumed during pregnancy, namely powder cow's milk. Therefore, this study was aim to develop milk products for pregnant women with the addition of stingless bee propolis microencapsulation (Trigona itama) as antiemesis in pregnancy. This research was conducted from April 2019 to January 2020. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Nutritional Analysis, Advanced Research Laboratory IPB, Bogor Post Harvest Research, Laboratory Animal Management Unit, SEAFAST Center LPPM IPB. Propolis extraction was using ultrasound method with water solvent (Fikri et al. 2018). Spray drying method was applied to propolis micoencapsulation (Busch et al. 2017). Microencapsulation of propolis was using three formulas with a ratio of propolis extract and the amount of coating agent, namely F1 (1:1), F2 (1:2), and F3 (1:3). Antioxidant activity was analyzed by the DPPH method (Salazar-Aranda et al. 2011). Analysis of total flavonoids was using AlCl3 (BPOM 2004) and total phenol was using Follin-Ciocalteau colorimetric method (Marinova et al. 2005). Propolis milk formula was made in two flavors, vanilla and chocolate. Antiemetic activity was using chicks as experimental animals (Fikri et al. 2018). Trigona itama propolis extract had a yield of 13.73%. The yield of propolis microcapsules ranged from 32.27% to 65.22%. The IC50 of propolis extract was 965.889 ppm, while F1 had the highest IC50 compared to other formulas (1692.131 ppm). Propolis extract had total flavonoids and phenols, respectively 0.160% and 0.467%. F1 had higher total flavonoids, total phenol, and microencapsulation efficiency than other formulas (0.080%, 0.381%, 81.693%). Propolis milk was made from commercial powder milk vanilla flavor and F1 microcapsules. Propolis milk had a moisture content of 2.51%, 4.24% ash, 22.69% protein, 4.05% fat, 66.50% carbohydrates, and 403.39 kcal of energy. The inhibition percentages from antiemetic activity analysis ranged between 82.67% and 98.36%. All propolis were not significantly different from the positive control metoclopramide and commercial antiemetic milk. This study succeeded in showing that the milk of pregnant women with the addition of propolis microcapsules could inhibit emesis in
dc.description.sponsorshipProgram Beasiswa Pendidikan Magister menuju Doktor untuk Sarjana Unggul (PMDSU), Kemenristekdikti RIid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengembangan Susu Ibu Hamil dengan Penambahan Mikroenkapsulasi Propolis dan Uji Aktivitas Antiemesis secara In Vivo pada Hewan Cobaid
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Milk for Pregnant Women with the Addition of Propolis Microencapsulation and Antiemetic Activity Analysis in In Vivo with Experimental Animalsid
dc.subject.keywordlebah tanpa sengatid
dc.subject.keywordspray dryingid
dc.subject.keywordTrigona itamaid
Appears in Collections:MT - Human Ecology

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