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Title: Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Oriented Strand Board dari Tiga Jenis Bambu Gigantochloa
Other Titles: Physical and Mechanical Properties of Oriented Strand Board from Three Types of Gigantochloa Bamboo
Authors: Febrianto, Fauzi
Mokhlis, Rifki Maulana
Issue Date: 27-Dec-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Bambu merupakan material yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai Oriented Strand Board (OSB). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh rasio kompresi terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis Bamboo OSB (BOSB) andong, tali, dan hitam. Strand ketiga jenis bambu diberi perlakuan pendahuluan berupa steam bilas NaOH 1%, lalu diberi perekat Phenol Formaldehyde (PF). Bamboo Oriented Strand Board andong, tali, dan hitam dengan kerapatan target 0.7 dikempa dengan tekanan 2,45 MPa dan suhu 135 oC selama 9 menit. Pengujian sifat fisis dan mekanis BOSB mengacu pada standar JIS A 5908-2003 dan dibandingkan dengan standar CSA 0437.0 (Grade O-1). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa BOSB ketiga jenis bambu berhasil mencapai kerapatan target. Rasio kompresi yang meningkat menghasilkan BOSB dengan stabilitas dimensi yang lebih baik. Sifat mekanis BOSB tali juga lebih baik dari BOSB andong. Namun, BOSB hitam memiliki kualitas mekanis yang lebih rendah pada beberapa parameter. Secara keseluruhan, setiap BOSB yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar CSA 0437.0 Grade O-1.
Bamboo is the materials that can be used as Oriented Strand Board (OSB). The objectives of this study was to evaluate the effect of compression ratio on the physical and mechanical properties of Bamboo OSB (BOSB) andong, tali, and hitam. Andong, tali, and hitam strands were steam pre-treated with 1% NaOH rinse, then Phenol Formaldehyde (PF) adhesive was applied. The three species of BOSB with a target density of 0.7 were compressed with pressure of 2.45 MPa and a temperature of 135 ºC for 9 minutes. The physical and mechanical properties BOSB were tested refers to JIS A 5908-2003 standard and compared with CSA 0437.0 standard (Grade O-1). The results of this study indicate that BOSBs of three bamboo species achieve the target density. The increased compression ratio results in a BOSB with better dimensional stability. The mechanical properties of tali BOSB are also better than those of andong BOSB. However, hitam BOSB has lower mechanical quality on several parameters. Overall, every BOSB produced meets CSA 0437.0 Grade O-1 standards.
Appears in Collections:UT - Forestry Products

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