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Title: Manajemen Pemanenan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Kebun Utara Petapahan, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau
Other Titles: Harvesting Management of Palm oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in Petapahan Utara Estate, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar District, Riau
Authors: Lontoh, Adolf
Guntoro, Dwi
Mahadika, Fuad
Issue Date: 18-Nov-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pemanenan dan pengelolaan hasil merupakan kegiatan terakhir dalam pengusahaan kelapa sawit. Kualitas buah berdampak pada kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan sehingga perlu adanya kegiatan manajemen pemanenan yang baik. Kegiatan magang mempelajari manajemen pemanenan kelapa sawit yang meliputi perencanaan panen, pelaksanaan panen, dan evaluasi panen. Kegiatan magang dilaksanakan mulai bulan Januari sampai Mei 2021. Rotasi panen termasuk panjang mencapai 15 hari, sedangkan standar kebun adalah 7 hari. Rata-rata AKP 21,53% dengan rata-rata varian 2,52%. Kebutuhan tenaga panen rata-rata taksasi 18,56 HK sedangkan realisasi 17,25 HK, hal tersebut sudah termasuk ideal. Penggunaan APD pemanen tergolong baik walaupun sebagian tidak berkenan menggunakan helm saat pelaksanaan panen. Transportasi panen menuju PKS relatif singkat yaitu 10,12 menit dengan rata-rata jarak tempuh 2,02 km dan kecepatan rata-rata 13,33 km jam-1. Pada pengamatan umur, masa kerja, jumlah tanggungan, dan pendidikan formal dari tenaga panen tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kapasitas panen. Persentase mutu TBS sesuai dengan yang telah diterapkan oleh perusahaan, yaitu tidak ditemukan buah mentah, rata-rata buah mengkal 0,84, matang 98,03 dan busuk 1,14. Kehilangan hasil di lapangan ditemukan buah matang yang tidak terpanen dengan rata-rata 1 buah dan 1,43 butir brondolan tanaman-1. Upah basis sebesar Rp108.500,00 hari, dengan premi TBS Rp90,00, dan Rp400,00 kg brondolan-1. Kebun Utara Petapahan menerapkan sistem denda digunakan untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kesalahan panen.
Harvest operation and management is the last stage of oil palm production. Fruit quality has a direct influence on the quality of oil produced which necessitates the implementation of good harvest management. An internship was conducted to study the harvest management of oil palm, including harvest planning, harvest operation and harvest evaluation. The internship started from January to May 2021. Harvest rotation lasted for 15 days, which took longer than the company standard of 7 days. The average harvest density was around 21.53% with an average variance of 2.52%. The average manpower needed for harvest operation was estimated at 18.56 while the realized number was 17.25, which considered ideal. The use of Personal protective equipment ( PPE) on harvest workers was sufficient, even though some workers refused to wear helmet during harvest. Harvest transportation to Palm Oil Mill (POM) was relatively quick which took around 10-12 minutes with an average distance of 2.02 km and an average speed of 13.33 km hour-1. There was no significant difference between harvesting capacity related to age, years of service, number of dependents, and formal education of harvest workers. The percentage of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) quality was in line with the company standard with no unripe fruits found in the yield, and average number of half-ripe, ripe and rotten fruits reached 0.84; 98.03 and 1.14 respectively. On field yield loss showed an average of 1 bunch that left unharvested with average individual losses of 1.43 loose fruits plant-1. Initial base wage was offered at Rp108.500.00 days-1, with additional wages of Rp90.00 for each FFB, and Rp400.00 for every kilogram of loose fruits collected. Kebun Utara Petapahan implemented a sanction system to minimize harvest faulty.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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