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Title: Fenomena Arus Rabak (Rip Current) di Pantai Serang, Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur
Other Titles: Rip Current Phenomenon at Serang Beach, Blitar Regency, East Java
Authors: Nurjaya, I Wayan
Natih, Nyoman Metta N.
Handoko, Satrio Jati
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Pantai Serang semakin meningkat, namun disisi lain pengetahuan mengenai kondisi pantai masih kurang. Wisatawan Pantai Serang pada tahun 2017 sebanyak 17.733 orang meningkat menjadi 52.779 orang pada tahun 2019. Hal ini akan berpotensi menimbulkan risiko adanya kecelakaan yang tinggi. Salah satu penyebab kecelakaan pantai adalah arus rabak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis arusrabak dan menjelaskan ciri dan mekanisme terbentuknya arus rabak di kawasan Pantai Serang, Kabupaten Blitar, Jawa Timur. Arus rabak diidentifikasi melalui analisis data batimetri, morfologi pantai, angin, gelombang, dan foto udara. Batimetri Pantai Serang termasuk kategori perairan curam dengan kedalaman mencapai 50 m. Tipe kemiringan Pantai Serang termasuk kategori pantai dengan lereng miring dan sangat miring. Angin di Pantai Serang dominan berhembus dari arah tenggara. Gelombang di pantai Serang dominan menuju arah barat laut dengan tinggi gelombang berkisar 1,39 – 2,23 m. Gelombang pecah Pantai Serang merupakan tipe gelombang pecah plunging. Analisis foto udara menunjukan proses terjadinya arus rabak di Pantai Serang. Arus Rabak di kawasan wisata Pantai Serang terjadi akibat adanya struktur pembatas berupa tanjung yang mengapit pantai dan didukung dengan kondisi gelombang yang menuju Pantai Serang.
The number of tourist visits to Serang Beach is increasing, but on the other hand, knowledge about the condition of the beach is still lacking. Serang Beach tourists in 2017 as many as 17,733 people increased to 52,779 people in 2019. This will potentially pose a high risk of accidents. One of the causes of beach accidents is the tidal current. This study aims to identify the type of rip currents and explain the characteristics and mechanisms of the formation of rip currents in the Serang Beach area, Blitar Regency, East Java. Rip currents were identified through analysis of bathymetric data, beach morphology, wind, waves, and aerial photographs. The bathymetry of Serang Beach belongs to the category of steep waters with a depth of up to 50 m. The slope type of Serang Beach belongs to the category of beaches with sloping and very sloped slopes. The dominant wind on Serang Beach blows from the southeast. The waves on the Serang beach are dominant towards the northwest with wave heights ranging from 1.39 to 2.23 m. The breaking wave of Serang Beach is a type of plunging breaking wave. Aerial photo analysis shows the process of rip currents on Serang Beach. The Rip current in the tourist area of Serang Beach occurs due to a barrier structure in the form of a promontory flanking the beach and supported by wave conditions towards Serang Beach.
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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