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Title: Analisis Potensi Penerapan Produksi Bersih dan Analisis Jejak Air pada Industri Tepung Ubi Jalar Berskala Kecil
Other Titles: Analysis of Potential Application of Cleaner Production and Water Footprint Analysis in Small-Scale Sweet Potato Flour Industry
Authors: Suprihatin
Firmansyah, Adam
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penggunaan air pada industri tepung ubi jalar masih belum diketahui. Identifikasi penggunaan air dilakukan dengan menghitung water footprint pada proses produksi dan penanaman ubi jalar. Penggunaan air pada penanaman ubi jalar sebanyak 33,33 liter/ton dan untuk produksi tepung ubi jalar sebanyak 666,67 liter/ton, Sekali produksi membutuhkan 300 kg ubi jalar untuk menghasilkan tepung sebanyak 152,4 kg. Pembuatan tepung ubi jalar menghasilkan rendemen sebesar 50,8%. Produksi tepung ubi jalar masih memiliki beberapa masalah seperti kerusakan pada mesin penggilingan, pengeringan yang belum efisien dan masih belum diterapkannya SOP yang jelas dalam proses produksi serta masih menghasilkan limbah berupa kulit ubi jalar. Perlu metode untuk menangani proses yang menghasilkan limbah. Identifikasi alternatif produksi bersih dilakukan dengan metode quick scan dan pembobotannya menggunakan metode AHP. Kelayakan rancangan produksi bersih dianalisa dengan kelayakan teknis, lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial. Alternatif yang diberikan setelah dilakukan pembobotan dan analisis kelayakan adalah pelatihan pemilihan bahan baku ubi jalar dan SOP pembuatan tepung, pelaksanaan pelatihan good manufacturing practice, perbaikan mesin penggilingan, penerapan pengeringan menggunakan pengering efek rumah kaca, dan pemanfaatan limbah kulit ubi jalar cacat menjadi ransum ternak. Dengan penerapan produksi bersih dan diketahuinya total penggunaan air diharapkan industri tepung ubi jalar dapat menjadi industri yang berkelanjutan.
The use of water in the sweet potato flour industry is still unknown. Identification of water use is done by calculating the water footprint in the process of producing and planting sweet potatoes. The use of water in the planting of sweet potatoes as much as 33.33 liters / ton and for the production of sweet potato flour as much as 666.67 liters / ton. Once production requires 300 kg of sweet potatoes to produce flour as much as 152.4 kg. The manufacture of sweet potato flour produces a yield of 50.8%. The production of sweet potato flour still has some problems such as damage to the milling machine, drying that has not been efficient and still has not applied a clear SOP in the production process and still produces waste in the form of sweet potato skin. It needs a method to handle the processes that produce waste. Identification of clean production alternatives is done by quick scan method and weighting using the AHP method. The feasibility of a clean production design is analyzed with technical, environmental, economic, and social feasibility. Alternatives provided after weighting and feasibility analysis are the training of the selection of sweet potato raw materials and sop of making flour, the implementation of good manufacturing practice training, repair of milling machines, the application of drying using greenhouse effect dryers, and the utilization of stained sweet potato skin waste into livestock rations. With the application of clean production and the known total use of water, it is expected that the sweet potato flour industry can become a sustainable industry.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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