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Title: Let Scare (Let Share CARE): Multiservis Perawatan Kesehatan Mental
Other Titles: Let Scare (Let Share CARE): Multiservice Mental Health Care
Authors: Achsani, Noer Azam
Chasanah, Alfa
Syakara, Muhammad Ridho
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Besarnya jumlah penderita gangguan mental (mental disorders) dan perkembangan jumlahnya yang terus meningkat setiap tahun, ditambah masih sedikitnya aplikasi perawatan mental yang tersedia memberikan peluang berkontribusi dalam penyelesaian masalah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan penderita gangguan mental dalam mengatasi permasalahan mental yang dialaminya, merancang model bisnis dari Let Scare yang tepat untuk mengatasi permasalahan konsumen, serta merancang prototype Let Scare yang tepat bagi konsumen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode design thinking dengan business model canvas dan prototyping approach. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah model bisnis dan prototype Let Scare yang telah melalui pengujian dari responden potensial dan juga diskusi dengan tenaga ahli terkait sehingga sesuai dengan perspektif dan kebutuhan konsumen.
The large number of people with mental disorders and their development continues to increase every year, opposed to the lack of available mental treatment applications have created opportunities to contribute in solving the problem. This study aims to identify the needs experienced by people with mental disorders in overcoming the mental problems they experience, design the business model of Let Scare that is appropriate to solve consumers’ problems, and design the right Let Scare prototype for consumers. The method used in this research is the method of design thinking with a business model canvas and a prototyping approach. The results of this study are the Let Scare business model and prototype that have been verified by potential respondents and also discussed with related experts so that they are in accordance with the perspectives and needs of consumers.
Appears in Collections:UT - Business

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