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Title: Manajemen Pemanenan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Kebun Utara Petapahan, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar, Riau.
Other Titles: Harvesting Management of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in Utara Petapahan Plantation, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar, Riau.
Authors: Supijatno
Sulistyono, Eko
Soheh, Nur said
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan penting sebagai sumber pemasukan devisa Negara Indonesia. Keberhasilan panen akan menunjang peningkatan produktivitas tanaman sehingga kegiatan pemanenan kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang penting dalam pengelolaan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Kegiatan magang dilaksanakan di Kebun Utara Petapahan, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar, Riau pada tanggal 18 Januari hingga 17 Mei 2021. Kegiatan magang memiliki tujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan, memperoleh pengalaman, dan keterampilan kerja tentang budidaya kelapa sawit dengan aspek khusus yang diamati tentang manajemen pemanenan kelapa sawit. Aspek khusus yang diamati meliputi perencanaan panen, pelaksanaan panen, dan evaluasi panen. Data pengamatan dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan deskriptif dengan menggunakan rata rata, persentase, serta uji komparasi (t-student). Kegiatan pemanenan di Kebun Utara Petapahan sudah berjalan cukup baik, terlihat dari hasil produksi harian yang sesuai dengan taksasi produksi dengan nilai varian rata-rata di bawah 5% dan muatan panen pada alat truk yang sudah sesuai kapasitas. Walaupun demikian beberapa hal masih perlu diperbaiki dan ditingkatkan seperti rotasi panen yang masih panjang, pengadaan alat pelindung diri (APD) kaca mata dan kepatuhan dalam penggunaan helm yang masih dibawah angka 100%, mutu buah busuk yang sudah diatas standar sebesar 1,69% dari batas toleransi 1% , kapasitas pemanen rata-rata masih belum mencapai basis panen, kehilangan hasil berupa berondolan yang tidak terkutip dan buah matang tidak dipanen masih ditemukan pada saat pemeriksaan hanca.
Oil palm is one of the important plantation commodities as a source of income for Indonesian. The successful harvest will support to increased the productivity, so oil palm harvesting is an important activity in management of oil palm plantations. Internship was held at Utara Petapahan Plantation, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar, Riau from January 18th until May 17th 2021. The internship activity aims to increase knowledge, gain experience and work skills about oil palm cultivation with specific aspects observed about harvest management of oil palm. Specific aspects that were observed included harvest planning, harvest implementation, and harvest evaluation. Observation data were analyzed quantitatively and descriptively using averages, percentages, and a comparative test (t-student). Harvesting activities in Utara Petapahan plantation have been running quite well, as seen from the daily production results in accordance with production estimates with an average variant value of below 5% and the fruit transportation with trucks are compatible with capacity. However several things still need to be improved such as harvesting rotation which is still long, procurement of personal protective equipments (PPE) for glasses and compliance with helmet use which is still below 100%, the quality of rotten fruit that has been above the standard is 1.69% of the tolerance limit 1%, average harvesting capacity is still has not reached the basis of harvest, lost yields have been found from not collected fruit and ripe fruit that wasn’t harvested are still found during the region inspection.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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