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Title: Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Melalui Pendekatan Business Model Canvas dan Inovasi Rantai Pasok pada Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Skala Miniplant
Authors: Setyaningsih, Dwi
Mahendra, Ilham Bintang
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Melalui Pendekatan Business Model Canvas dan Inovasi Rantai Pasok pada Pabrik Kelapa Sawit Skala Miniplant. Dibimbing oleh DWI SETYANINGSIH. Lahan kelapa sawit di Indonesia merupakan yang terluas di dunia, namun, petani swadaya belum mendapatkan pendapatan secara maksimal akibat rantai distribusi yang panjang. Pendirian miniplant sawit dapat menjadi solusi namun perlu dilakukan penentuan strategi bisnis serta inovasi rantai pasok agar pabrik layak didirikan secara ekonomi dan berdampak pada pendapatan petani swadaya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan strategi bisnis dengan pendekatan business model canvas dan skema bisnis serta menentukan inovasi aliran rantai pasok pada pabrik skala miniplant. Metode penelitian menggunakan kombinasi bentuk kualitatif sebagai data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi dan wawancara dan bentuk kuantitatif sebagai data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi literatur. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa prototype Business Model Canvass yang terdiri atas Customer Segments, Customer Relationships, Channels, Value Propositions, Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partners, Cost Structure, dan Revenue Streams berisikan strategi bisnis pada miniplant sawit. Inovasi rantai pasok dilakukan dengan menghilangkan peran pengumpul yang berhubungan langsung dengan skema bisnis yaitu penetapan margin pada harga jual dan beli produk. Penetapan inovasi rantai pasok dan skema bisnis pada miniplant sawit dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani swadaya berdasarkan asumsi yang telah dilakukan.
Indonesia's oil palm area is the largest in the world, however, independent smallholders have not received maximum income due to the long distribution chain. The establishment of an oil palm miniplant can be a solution, but it is necessary to determine business strategies and supply chain innovations so that the factory is economically feasible and has an impact on the income of independent smallholders. The purpose of this study is to determine a business strategy with aapproach business model canvas and business schemeand to determine supply chain flow innovation in a miniplant scale plant. The research method uses a combination of qualitative forms as primary data obtained from observations and interviews and quantitative forms as secondary data obtained through literature studies. The results obtained are in the form of a prototype business model canvass consisting of Customer Segments, Customer Relationships, Channels, Value Propositions, Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partners, Cost Structure, and Revenue Streams contain business strategies for oil palm miniplants. Supply chain innovation is carried out by eliminating the role of collectors who are directly related to the business scheme, namely setting margins on the selling and buying prices of products. The establishment of supply chain innovations and business schemes for oil palm miniplants can increase the income of independent smallholders based on the assumptions that have been made.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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