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Title: Analisis Neraca Air Sungai Dawak dalam Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Toba, Kalimantan Barat
Other Titles: Water Balance Analysis of the Dawak River in Meeting the Water Needs of Oil Palm Plantations in Toba District, West Borneo
Authors: Pandjaitan, Nora Herdiana
Prasetya, Dimas Ardi
Hasibuan, Muhammad Faiz Namora
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Air merupakan sumber daya alam yang menjadi kebutuhan paling penting bagi semua mahluk hidup. Pertambahan luas area perkebunan kelapa sawit dapat menimbulkan dampak terhadap kondisi lingkungan, di antaranya adalah berkurangnya jumlah ketersediaan air pada suatu kawasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung neraca air dan potensi Sungai Dawak dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi bagi perkebunan kelapa sawit yang berada di catchment area Sungai Dawak. Analisis neraca air dilakukan dengan metode FJ Mock. Dari hasil analisis debit Sungai Dawak rata-rata 1,10 m3/bulan dan kebutuhan air irigasi tanaman kelapa sawit rata-rata 0,52 m3/bulan. Berarti terjadi surplus air sepanjang tahun, dengan surplus terbesar terjadi pada bulan November sebesar 1,16 m3/detik atau sekitar 3.009.439 m3/bulan dan surplus terkecil terjadi pada bulan September sebesar 0,01/ m3/detik atau sekitar 33.394 m3/bulan. Tidak terjadi kondisi defisit di sepanjang tahunnya, sehingga potensi air Sungai Dawak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan air perkebunan kelapa sawit.
Water is a natural resource that is the most important need for all living things. The increase in the area of oil palm plantations can have an impact on environmental conditions, including the reduction in the amount of water available in an area. This study aims to calculate the water balance and the potential of the Dawak River in meeting irrigation water needs for oil palm plantations located in the catchment area of the Dawak River. Water balance analysis was carried out using the FJ Mock method. The analysis result showed that the average discharge of Dawak River 1.10 m3/month and the irrigation water demand for oil palm plantations was 0.52 m3/month. It meaned that there was a water surplus throughout the year, with the largest surplus occurring in November of 1.16 m3/s or around 3,009,439 m3/month and the smallest surplus occurred in September of 0.01 m3/s or around 33,394 m3/month. There is no deficit condition throughout the year, so the water potential of the Dawak River can meet the water needs of oil palm plantations.
Appears in Collections:UT - Civil and Environmental Engineering

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