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Title: Isolasi, Identifikasi, dan Formulasi Media Bakteri Endofit untuk Membatasi Serangan Cendawan Ganoderma pada Kelapa Sawit
Other Titles: Isolation, Identification, and Media Formulation of Endophytic Bacteria to Limit Ganoderma Fungus Attacks on Oil Palm
Authors: Rahayuningsih, Mulyorini
Rizal, Syaiful
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ganoderma boniense merupakan cendawan patogen yang menyebabkan penyakit busuk pangkal batang (BPB) pada tanaman kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini mengkaji suatu alternatif dalam mengendalikan G. boninense melalui pemanfaatan agens pengendali hayati (APH) yang lebih ramah lingkungan daripada penggunaan fungisida komersial. Seleksi bakteri endofit sebagai APH dilakukan melalui isolasi bakteri dari akar kelapa sawit, mengukur persen zona hambatan terhadap isolat G. boninense secara in vitro, dan uji hipersensitif pada tanaman tembakau. Isolat bakteri endofit terpilih A2 dan C5 memiliki daya hambat terhadap G. boninense berturut-turut sebesar 35% dan 47%. Kedua isolat tersebut teridentifikasi secara molekuler berturut-turut sebagai bakteri Lysinibacillus xylanilyticus (99,85%) dan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila (99,64%). Bakteri endofit terpilih diformulasikan ke dalam formulasi kompos, tepung, dan cair. Ketiga jenis formula dapat mempertahankan viabilitas sel sampai dengan 106 cfu/ml serta lebih stabil dan adaptif pada formulasi cair dengan kepadatan berkisar (8,0–9,0)×106 cfu/ml pada akhir minggu pengamatan dibandingkan formulasi lainnya.
Ganoderma boninense is a pathogenic fungus that causes basal stem rot (BSR) diseases in oil palm plantations. This research examined an alternative in controlling G. boninense through the use of biological control agents (BCAs) which was more environmentally friendly than the use of commercial fungicide. Endophytic bacteria as BCAs were selected by isolating bacteria from oil palm roots, measuring the percent zone of inhibition against G. boninense based on in vitro test, and presenting hypersensitivity test on tobacco plant. Selected endophytic bacterias namely A2 and C5 had inhibiton against G. boninense of 35% and 47%, respectively. Those isolates were identified molecularly as Lysinibacillus xylanilyticus (99,85%) and Aeromonas hydrophila (99,64%), respectively. The selected endophytic bacterias were formulated in compost, flour, and liquid formulation. Those three types of formula could maintain cell viability up to 106 cfu/ml and are more stable also adaptive in liquid formulation within a range of (8,0–9,0)×106 cfu/ml at the end of the observation compared to other formulations.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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