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Title: Pemanfaatan Bakteri Endofit sebagai Agens Hayati Fusarium solani dan Meloidogyne spp. pada Tanaman Lada
Other Titles: Utilization of Endophytic Bacterial as Biological Agenst of Fusarium solani and Meloidogyne spp. on Pepper Plants
Authors: Munif, Abdul
Soekarno, Bonny Poernomo Wahyu
Jahuddin, Resky Wulandari R
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penyakit kuning lada merupakan salah satu penyakit penting pada tanaman lada yang dapat menurunkan produktivitas pada daerah sentra lada di Indonesia. Patogen yang berasosiasi dengan penyakit ini yaitu nematoda Meloidogyne incognita dan cendawan Fusarium solani. Sampai saat ini pengendalian penyakit kuning lada yang menggunakan agens hayati terutama bakteri endofit hanya berfokus untuk mengendalikan salah satu jenis patogen saja. Di samping itu, pemanfaatan campuran dan konsorsium bakteri endofit sebagai agens hayati penyakit kuning lada juga masih kurang dikembangkan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan isolat tunggal, campuran, dan konsorsium bakteri endofit terhadap F. solani dan Meloidogyne spp. serta pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman lada. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Nematologi Proteksi Tanaman IPB dan Rumah Kaca Cikabayan IPB dari bulan Agustus 2020 hingga Mei 2021. Penelitian ini mencangkup perbanyakan isolat tunggal dan konsorsium bakteri endofit, uji kompatibilitas bakteri endofit, isolasi F. solani dan Meloidogyne spp. dari tanaman lada yang bergejala penyakit kuning di Kalimantan Barat, uji dual kultur dan mortalitas nematoda secara in vitro, uji karakterisasi fisiologi bakteri endofit terbaik, dan pengujian keefektifan bakteri endofit sebagai agen biokontrol penyakit kuning lada dan agen pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman lada di rumah kaca. Data dianalisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan uji Tukey pada taraf 5%. Pada penelitian ini sebanyak 17 isolat tunggal dan dua isolat konsorsium diperbanyak dari isolat koleksi yang diisolasi dari tanaman Pteris ensiformis, Elaeis guineensis, Areca catechu, Avicennia sp., Piper collubrium, Cymbopogon nardus, P. nigrum, Imperata cylindrica dan Mimosa pudica. Hasil uji kompatibilitas didapatkan sebanyak delapan isolat campuran yang kompatibel dan sembilan isolat campuran tidak kompatibel. Adapun hasil identifikasi patogen yang diisolasi dari akar tanaman lada yaitu diperoleh cendawan F. solani dan nematoda Meloidogyne spp. Hasil pengujian in vitro diketahui bahwa sebanyak 17 isolat tunggal, delapan isolat campuran dan dua isolat konsorsium mampu menghambat pertumbuhan miselium F. solani dan meningkatkan persentase mortalitas Meloidogyne spp. Isolat tunggal APE35, EG113, isolat campuran EG26+Labt1 dan isolat konsorsium PTM3 memiliki persentase daya hambat lebih baik dibanding isolat lain dan mampu meningkatkan persentase mortalitas nematoda Meloidogyne spp. di atas 70% secara in vitro. Hasil uji karakterisasi fisiologi menunjukkan bahwa keempat isolat dapat memproduksi protease, selulase, fitohormon IAA, dan menghasilkan senyawa volatil. Adapun isolat campuran EG26+Labt1 dan konsorsium PTM3 menunjukkan aktivitas kitinolitik dan hanya isolat konsorsium PTM3 yang mampu melarutkan fosfat. Hal ini merupakan salah satu mekanisme yang dimiliki bakteri endofit sebagai agen biokontrol dan pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman lada baik pada pengujian in vitro ataupun di rumah kaca. Hasil pengujian di rumah kaca menunjukkan bahwa isolat tunggal APE35, EG113, isolat campuran EG26+Labt1 dan isolat konsorsium PTM3 mampu menekan kejadian penyakit kuning dan keparahan penyakit kuning. Perlakuan keempat bakteri endofit pada bibit tanaman lada juga dapat menurunkan jumlah puru dan populasi nematoda pada akar tanaman lada. Selain itu, perlakuan keempat isolat bakteri endofit berpengaruh nyata dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman pada peubah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah buku, dan bobot basah tajuk tanaman lada. Perlakuan isolat campuran EG26+Labt1 pada bibit lada menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang lebih baik dibanding perlakuan isolat lain.
Pepper yellow disease is one of the important diseases in pepper plants that can reduce productivity in pepper centre areas in Indonesia. Pathogens associated with this disease are the nematode Meloidogyne incognita and the fungus Fusarium solani. Until now, yellow pepper control using biological agents, especially endophytic bacteria, only focuses on controlling one type of pathogen. In addition, the use of mixtures and consortia of endophytic bacteria as biological agents for yellow pepper disease is still underdeveloped. Based on this, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of single isolates, mixtures, and a consortium of endophytic bacteria against F. solani and Meloidogyne spp. and its effect on pepper plant growth. This research was carried out at the Plant Protection Nematology Laboratory of IPB and Cikabayan Greenhouse IPB from August 2020 to May 2021. This study included the propagation of single isolates and a consortium of endophytic bacteria, endophytic bacteria compatibility test, isolation of F. solani and Meloidogyne spp. from pepper plants with symptoms of jaundice in West Kalimantan, in vitro dual culture and nematode mortality, physiological characterization of the best endophytic bacteria, and testing the effectiveness of endophytic bacteria as biocontrol agents for pepper yellowing and pepper plant growth-promoting agents in a greenhouse. Data were analyzed using a completely randomized design (CRD) with Tukey's test at a 5% level. In this study, 17 single isolates and two consortium isolates were reproduced from collection isolates from Pteris ensiformis, Elaeis guineensis, Areca catechu, Avicennia sp., Piper collubrium, Cymbopogon nardus, P. nigrum, Imperata cylindrica and Mimosa pudica. Compatibility test results obtained as many as eight compatible mixed isolates and nine incompatible mixed isolates. The results of identifying pathogens isolated from the roots of pepper plants were obtained by the fungus F. solani and the nematode Meloidogyne spp. In vitro testing showed that as many as 17 single isolates, eight mixed isolates and two consortium isolates were able to inhibit the growth of F. solani mycelium and increase the mortality percentage of Meloidogyne spp. Single isolates APE35, EG113, mixed isolates EG26+Labt1, and PTM3 consortium isolates had a better percentage of inhibition than other isolates and were able to increase the mortality percentage of the nematode Meloidogyne spp. above 70% in vitro. The results of the physiological characterization test showed that the four isolates could produce proteases, cellulases, phytohormones IAA, and produce volatile compounds. In contrast, the mixed isolates EG26+Labt1 and the PTM3 consortium showed chitinolytic activity, and only the PTM3 consortium isolates were able to dissolve phosphate. This is one of the mechanisms that endophytic bacteria have as biocontrol agents and promoters of pepper plant growth both in vitro and in greenhouses. The greenhouse test results showed that single isolates APE35, EG113, mixed isolates EG26+Labt1, and PTM3 consortium isolates were able to suppress the incidence and the severity of pepper yellow disease. The treatment of the four endophytic bacteria on pepper plant seeds can also reduce the number of fungus and nematode populations on pepper plant roots. In addition, the treatment of the four isolates of endophytic bacteria had a significant effect on increasing plant growth on the variables of plant height, number of leaves, number of nodes, and wet canopy weight of pepper plants. The treatment of mixed isolate EG26+Labt1 on pepper seedlings showed better growth than other isolates.
Appears in Collections:MT - Agriculture

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