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Title: Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin C terhadap Respon Fisiologis dan Profil Metabolit Darah Sapi Saat Transportasi Jarak Jauh
Authors: Astuti, Dewi Apri
Aditia, Edit Lesa
Farahmanadia, Olivia
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan menguraikan pengaruh pemberian vitamin C pada transportasi untuk mengurangi pengaruh stres perjalanan pada sapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 10 ekor sapi PO yang ditransportasikan dari Kabupaten Kebumen menuju Bogor dengan jarak 416 km. Data fisiologi yang meliputi suhu rektal, respirasi, denyut jantung, data penurunan bobot badan dan data metabolit darah dianalisis dengan uji t. Data suhu permukaan tubuh dan suhu rektal dianalisis dengan korelasi pearson. Suhu, kelembaban makro serta data THI dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dosis pemberian vitamin C sebesar 1500 mg/ekor dengan bobot rata-rata 234,70±6,82 kg. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemberian vitamin C berpengaruh nyata mengurangi penurunan bobot badan, mempertahankan respirasi, dan denyut jantung (P<0,05) namun tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap suhu rektal, kadar glukosa dan kreatinin darah (P>0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada penelitian ini pemberian vitamin C memberikan pengaruh positif dalam menurunkan stres akibat transportasi sehingga berdampak pada stabilnya respon fisiologis dan mengurangi penurunan bobot badan sebesar 9,65±3,00% lebih rendah dari perlakuan kontrol sebesar 19,88±4,94%. Pemberian vitamin belum dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa dan kreatinin darah setelah pengangkutan kembali ke normal.
This research was conducted to find out how the effect of vitamin C on transportation to reduce the effects of stress transportation in cattle. Ten cattles were used which were transported from Kebumen Regency to Bogor with a distance of 416 km. Physiology data which include rectal temperature, respiration, heart rate body, weight loss and blood metabolite data including blood glucose and creatinine were analyzed using t-test. Data body surface temperature and rectal temperature were analyzed by Pearson correlation, temperature and macro humidity and THI data were analyzed descriptively. The dose of vitamin C is 1500 mg for each cattle with average body wight around 234,70±6,82 kg. The results showed that giving vitamin C can reduce stress which causes weight loss, had a significant effect on respiration and heart rate (P <0,05) and had no significant effect on rectal temperature, blood glucose and creatinine levels (P> 0,05). It can be concluded that in this study the of giving vitamin C had a positive effect in reducing stress due to transportation this condition would reduce body weight loss by 9.65±3 % lower than control treatment of 19.88±4.49 %. However, giving vitamin C has not been able to change blood glucose and creatinine levels after transportation to the ideal value.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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