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Title: Analisis Pengaruh Inflasi, Nilai Tukar Rupiah, dan Jumlah Uang Beredar terhadap Reksadana Pasar Uang Syariah di Indonesia
Authors: Beik, Irfan Syauqi
Reisandi, Galih
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Jumlah reksadana pasar uang syariah berkembang sangat pesat. Menurut data Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) pada tahun 2016 terdapat 15 reksadana pasar uang syariah yang sudah berkembang secara signifikan hingga tahun 2020 menjadi 62 reksadana pasar uang syariah. Sementara itu, reksadana pasar uang syariah tertinggi kedua di Indonesia setelah reksadana terproteksi syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh inflasi, nilai tukar rupiah, dan jumlah uang beredar terhadap nilai aktiva bersih (NAB) reksadana pasar uang syariah di Indonesia. Metode dalam penilitian ini adalah VAR/VECM, uji IRF, dan uji FEVD. Berdasarkan hasil estimasi VECM dalam jangka pendek tidak ada variabel yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap reksadana pasar uang syariah. Sedangkan dalam jangka panjang, variabel jumlah uang beredar dan inflasi berpengaruh negatif secara signifikan terhadap reksadana pasar uang syariah. Berdasarkan hasil dari uji IRF, faktor nilai tukar rupiah, jumlah uang beredar, dan inflasi direspon secara negatif oleh NAB reksadana pasar uang syariah. Berdasarkan hasil dari uji FEVD, NAB reksadana pasar uang syariah, inflasi, nilai tukar rupiah, dan jumlah uang beredar mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap keragaman NAB reksadana pasar uang syariah.
The number of Islamic money market mutual funds is growing very rapidly. According to data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in 2016 there were 15 Islamic money market mutual funds which had grown significantly until 2020 to 62 Islamic money market mutual funds. Meanwhile, Islamic money market mutual funds are the second highest in Indonesia after sharia-protected mutual funds. This study aims to analyze the effect of inflation, rupiah exchange rate, and the money supply on the net asset value (NAV) of Islamic money market mutual funds in Indonesia. The methods in this research are VAR/VECM, IRF test, and FEVD test. Based on the VECM estimation results in the short term, there are no variables that have a significant effect on Islamic money market mutual funds. Meanwhile, in the long term, the money supply and inflation variables have a significant negative effect on Islamic money market mutual funds. Based on the results of the IRF test, the rupiah exchange rate, money supply, and inflation factors responded negatively by the NAV of Islamic money market mutual funds. Based on the results of the FEVD test, the NAV of Islamic money market mutual funds, inflation, the rupiah exchange rate, and the money supply are able to contribute to the diversity of NAV of Islamic money market mutual funds.
Appears in Collections:UT - Syariah Economic

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