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Title: Analisis Perbaikan Postur Kerja dengan Metode Biomekanik pada Kegiatan Penebangan Jati Masak Tebang
Other Titles: Analysis of Work Posture Improvement with Biomechanical Methods in Teak Logging Activities
Authors: Yovi, Efi Yuliati
Ruliansari, Vanya Delianada Nur
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kegiatan penebangan termasuk dalam kegiatan pemanenan hutan dengan risiko kerja tinggi yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya kondisi areal hutan yang tidak dapat dijangkau, kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan operator, tidak seimbangnya peralatan yang digunakan dengan kemampuan operator dan mengangkat beban yang berlebihan sehingga menimbulkan rasa sakit pada tubuh operator. Kegiatan penebangan pohon jati (Tectona grandis Linn.) menggunakan chainsaw melibatkan bagian tubuh bahu, punggung dan lutut yang paling sering mengalami cedera berupa keluhan nyeri pada L5/S1 akibat menerima beban terlalu tinggi. Postur tubuh ekstrem dipilih melalui analisis Range of Motion (ROM), kemudian dilanjutkan analisis biomekanik. Postur ekstrem yang terpilih disimulasikan menggunakan software 3DSSPP 7.1.0. Analisis yang dihasilkan dari software 3DSSPP meliputi besarnya compression force dan shear force pada L5/S1, strength percent capable dan standing balance. Postur yang menghasilkan compression force >3400 N dan shear force >500 N, perlu dilakukan perhitungan Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) dan Lifting Index (LI) untuk merekomendasikan batas beban yang dapat diangkat oleh operator tanpa terjadi peningkatan risiko nyeri pada L5/S1.
Logging activities are included in forest harvesting activities with high work risk caused by several factors, including the condition of the forest area that can’t be reached, lack of operator knowledge and skills, imbalance of equipment used with the operator’s ability and lifting excessive weight that cause pain in the operator body. Teak tree felling (Tectona grandis Linn.) using a chainsaw involves the shoulders, back and knees which are the most frequently injured in the form of complaints of pain in L5/S1 due to receiving too high a load. Extreme body postures were selected through Range of Motion (ROM) analysis, then followed by biomechanical analysis. The selected extreme posture is simulated using 3DSSPP 7.1.0 software. The analysis generated from 3DSSPP software includes the magnitude of compression force and shear force at L5/S1, strength percent capable and standing balance. Postures that produce compression force >3400 N and shear force >500 N, need to be calculated Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) and Lifting Index (LI) to recommend the load limit that can be lifted by the operator without increasing the risk of pain in L5/S1.
Appears in Collections:UT - Forest Management

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