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Title: Analisis Perbandingan Standar Halal dan Harmonisasinya untuk Pengembangan Usulan Standar Halal Global
Other Titles: Comparative Analysis and Harmonization of Halal Standards in the Development of a Proposed Global Halal Standard
Authors: Kusnandar, Feri
Hunaefi, Dase
Lutfika, Evrin
Issue Date: 25-Aug-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kesadaran gaya hidup halal di kalangan umat muslim telah menjadi peluang bisnis yang menjanjikan di pasar global, termasuk pola dalam mengonsumsi produk pangan halal. Pengeluaran Muslim untuk sektor pangan halal diperkirakan bertumbuh hingga tahun 2024. Tingginya pengeluaran di sektor halal didukung dengan adanya regulasi tentang halal di berbagai Negara, terutama terkait sertifikasi dan label halal. Salah satu persyaratan sertifikasi halal adalah penerapan standar halal oleh produsen pangan. Saat ini setidaknya terdapat 15 standar halal yang ada di dunia namun belum ada standar halal yang diakui dan diterapkan di seluruh dunia. Belum adanya standar halal universal dapat memperlambat laju pertumbuhan industri halal global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) Mengidentifikasi standar halal yang dijadikan rujukan di beberapa lembaga sertifikasi halal dan beberapa negara, (2) Membandingkan standar halal global dengan fokus pada aspek bahan, produk dan fasilitas, (3) Menganalisis penerapan standar halal oleh produsen pangan, dan (4) Menyusun usulan klausul untuk standar halal global. Penelitian dilaksanakan melalui metode analisis perbandingan dari standar halal global dan analisis deskriptif melalui survei. Penelitian dilakukan di kota Bogor, Indonesia dari bulan Maret 2020 hingga Agustus 2021. Penelitian dilakukan melalui tahapan (1) Pemetaan standar halal, (2) Perbandingan standar halal, (3) Survei penerapan standar halal, dan (4) Penyusunan usulan standar global. Hasil analisis terhadap 15 standar halal di dunia, terdapat lima standar halal yang dijadikan rujukan di lebih dari tiga lembaga sertifikasi halal di lebih dari tiga negara, yaitu OIC/SMIIC 1: 2011, UAE.S/GSO 2055-1:2015, MS 1500:2009, MUIS-HC-S001 dan HAS 23000:1. Kelima standar halal tersebut terpilih untuk dilakukan analisis perbandingan. Analisis perbandingan terhadap kelima halal standar meliputi analisis persamaan, perbedaan dan kelengkapan dari standar halal. Klausul pembanding difokuskan pada aspek bahan, produk dan fasilitas yang berpengaruh langsung terhadap status kehalalan produk. Dari total tiga belas klausul pada aspek bahan, terdapat enam klausul yang memiliki kesamaan dalam semua standar halal. Dari total sembilan klausul pada aspek produk, terdapat empat klausul yang memiliki kesamaan dalam semua standar halal dan pada seluruh klausul terdapat perbedaan kelengkapan standar. Dari total delapan klausul pada aspek fasilitas, terdapat kesamaan standar halal pada semua klausul serta terdapat lima klausul yang memiliki perbedaan standar dan enam klausul yang memiliki ketidaklengkapan standar. Berdasarkan hasil perbandingan standar halal, maka dibuat daftar pertanyaan pada kuesioner survei. Pemilihan pertanyaan berdasarkan pada klausul standar yang berbeda dan klausul standar yang tidak lengkap (hanya beberapa standar yang mengatur klausul tersebut). Kuesioner dibagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu profil perusahaan, penerapan standar halal di perusahaan dan harapan untuk standar halal global. Survei dilakukan terhadap 40 responden yang berasal dari industri pangan dan bahan pangan yang menerapkan standar halal, baik industri di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Lokasi perusahaan terbanyak berasal dari Asia (75%), dengan jenis perusahaan terbanyak adalah perusahaan multinasional (60%) dan jenis produk terbanyak yaitu perisa (25%). Survei dilakukan melalui pengiriman kuesioner secara online. Sebagian responden yang jawabannya tidak lengkap atau memerlukan klarifikasi maka dilanjutkan survei melalui email dan/atau pesan Whatsapp. Standar yang terbanyak diterapkan responden adalah HAS 23000, kemudian MS 1500:2009, MUIS-HC-S001, UAE.S/GSO 2055-1:2015 dan yang paling sedikit adalah OIC/SMIIC 1: 2019. Hasil survei menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan penerapan standar di antara responden, serta beberapa klausul yang penerapan standarnya berbeda dengan standar yang menjadi rujukan responden tersebut. Misalnya pada klausul fasilitas, terdapat sebelas responden yang memiliki fasilitas bersamaan dengan produk haram (sharing facility) namun di rujukan standar mengatur fasilitas hanya dikhususkan menangani produk halal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis perbandingan standar halal serta didukung oleh hasil survei dan studi literatur, maka dapat diusulkan sebanyak 31 klausul standar halal global. Terdapat lima klausul yang perlu didiskusikan lebih lanjut antar ulama, yaitu istihalah khamr, hasil samping industri khamr, media kultur mikroba dari bahan najis, pencucian najis sedang dengan non air, dan bahan selain tanah untuk pencucian najis berat. Terdapat klausul baru terkait dengan media validasi pencucian dan peralatan pengambilan sampel.
Muslim awareness of halal lifestyles has grown into a lucrative business opportunity on a global scale, as has the trend toward halal food consumption. Muslim expenditure on halal food is expected to increase until 2024. The high level of expenditure in the halal sector is supported by the halal regulations in various countries, particularly those pertaining to halal certification and labeling. One of the requirements for halal certification is the implementation of halal standards by food producers. Currently, there are at least fifteen halal standards worldwide but there is no globally recognized as a halal standard. The absence of a universal halal standard causes the slow growth of the global halal industries. The purpose of this study was to (1) Identify halal standards that are referenced by several halal certification bodies and several countries, (2) Compare global halal standards with focus on material, product and facility aspect, (3) Analyze the implementation of halal standards by food producers, and (4) Develop proposed clauses for global halal standards. This study analyzed global halal standards through a comparative analysis method and survey results through a descriptive analysis method. The study took place in Bogor, Indonesia from March 2020 to August 2021 and included the following steps: (1) Mapping of halal standards, (2) Comparison of halal standards, (3) Survey on the implementation of halal standards, and (4) Preparation of proposed global halal standard. As a result of the analysis of 15 halal standards worldwide, there are five halal standards that are used as references in more than three halal certification bodies in more than three countries, that is OIC/SMIIC 1: 2011, UAE.S/GSO 2055-1:2015, MS 1500:2009, MUIS-HC-S001 and HAS 23000:1. Based on this identification, these five standards were selected for comparative analysis. Comparative analysis was carried out on five selected halal standards, which includes analysis of similarities, differences and completeness. The comparison clauses were focused on the aspect of material, product and facility that directly affect the halal status of the product. From a total of thirteen clauses in the material aspect, there are six clauses that have similarities in all halal standards. From a total of nine clauses in the product aspect, four clauses are similar in all halal standards and all clauses have incomplete standards. From a total of eight clauses on the aspect of facility, there are similarities in halal standards in all clauses, five clauses have different standards and six clauses have incomplete standards. A list of questions for the survey questionnaire was created based on the results of the halal standard comparison. The questions were chosen based on different standard clauses and incomplete standard clauses (only some standards stipulate such clauses). The questionnaire is divided into three sections, which include a company profile, implementation of halal standards in the company and expectations for global halal standards. Respondents represent the food and food ingredient industries that implement halal standards, both domestic and foreign industry (a total of 40 respondents). Most of the company locations are from Asia (75%), the most type of company is multinational company (60%) and the most type of product is flavor (25%). Online questionnaires were used to conduct the survey. Some respondents whose responses were incomplete or required clarification were then contacted via email and/or Whatsapp message to complete the survey. The standard that most implemented by respondents was HAS 23000, then MS 1500:2009, MUIS-HC-S001, UAE.S/GSO 2055-1:2015 and the least was OIC/SMIIC 1: 2019. The survey results indicated that there were differences in the implementation of the standard among respondents. Additionally, there are several clauses in which the standard's implementation in industry deviates from the reference standard. For instance, in the facility clause, there are eleven respondents who have sharing facility, despite the fact that their reference standard requires halal dedicated facility. Based on the result of the comparative analysis of halal standards, supported by the result of survey and literature studies, it can be proposed 31 clauses of global halal standards. There are five clauses that need to be discussed further among ulama (Islamic scholar), that is istihalah of khamr, by-products of the khamr industry, microbial culture media from najis materials, washing of medium najis with non-water, and washing of heavy najis with materials other than soil. There are new clauses related to washing validation media and sampling equipment. It is proposed 31 clauses of global halal standards based on the results of the comparative analysis of halal standards, which are supported by survey and literature studies. There are five clauses that require further discussion among ulama (Islamic scholar), namely istihalah of khamr, by-products of the khamr industry, microbial culture media derived from najis materials, washing of medium najis with non-water, and washing of heavy najis with non-soil materials. There are new clauses that stipulate the cleaning validation media and sampling equipment.
Appears in Collections:MT - Professional Master

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