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dc.contributor.advisorPutri, Eka Intan Kumala-
dc.contributor.authorDewi, Melaty Noviana-
dc.description.abstractKerusakan ekosistem hutan mangrove di Desa Karangsong didominasi oleh konversi lahan mangrove menjadi areal tambak yang berdampak pada berkurangnya luas hutan mangrove dan hilangnya fungsi dan manfaat dari ekosistem hutan mangrove tersebut. Kerusakan ini membuat masyarakat menyadari pentingnya menjaga kelestarian ekosistem hutan mangrove dan mulai melakukan upaya pemulihan kembali ekosistem hutan mangrove melalui kegiatan rehabilitasi mangrove dari tahun 2008 sampai 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengestimasi nilai ekonomi total dari ekosistem mangrove pasca rehabilitasi di Desa Karangsong, dan (2) menganalisis status keberlanjutan ekosistem mangrove pasca rehabilitasi di Desa Karangsong. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan valuasi ekonomi dan Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) dengan alat analisis Rap_Mforest Hasil estimasi nilai ekonomi total ekosistem hutan mangrove Karangsong yaitu sebesar Rp. 39.554.620.325 per tahun. Status keberlanjutan ekosistem hutan mangrove Karangsong memiliki cukup berkelanjutan (64,43).id
dc.description.abstractThe destruction mangrove forest ecosystem in Karangsong Village was dominated by the conversion of mangrove area into pond areas, those situation has an impact on the reduction of mangrove forest area and the loss of environmental services of the ecosystem. Furthermore, the community realize the importance of preserving mangrove forest ecosystem and began to restore mangrove forest ecosystem through mangrove rehabilitation activities from 2008 to 2016. This study aims to: (1) estimate the total economic value of the post-rehabilitation mangrove ecosystem in Karangsong Village, and (2) analyze the sustainability status of the post-rehabilitation mangrove ecosystem in Karangsong Village. The method in this study uses economic valuation and Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) with the Rapfish analysis tool. The estimation result of the total economic value of the Karangsong mangrove forest ecosystem is IDR 39.554.620 per year. The sustainability status of the Karangsong mangrove forest ecosystem is moderately sustainable (64.43).id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenilaian Ekonomi dan Keberlanjutan Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove Pasca Rehabilitasi di Desa Karangsong, Kabupaten Indramayuid
dc.title.alternativeEconomic Assessment and Sustainability of Post Rehabilitation Mangrove Forest Ecosystem in Karangsong Village, Indramayu Districtid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordEconomic valuationid
dc.subject.keyworddamage to mangrove ecosystemsid
dc.subject.keywordmultidimensional scalingid
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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