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dc.contributor.advisorDasanto, Bambang Dwi-
dc.contributor.advisorFaqih, Akhmad-
dc.contributor.authorLarasati, Kinanti-
dc.description.abstractPerubahan iklim berdampak pada perubahan intensitas atau frekuensi kejadian iklim ekstrim. Wilayah pesisir merupakan wilayah yang paling rentan terhadap perubahan iklim dan kejadian iklim ekstrim. Perubahan iklim di wilayah pesisir dapat dirasakan dari adanya kecenderungan perubahan suhu, naiknya permukaan air laut dan perubahan karakterisitik curah hujan harian, seperti meningkatnya jumlah hari hujan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perubahan iklim global terhadap iklim di pesisir Kabupaten Bintan serta menilai kerentanan penghidupan rumah tangga terhadap dampak perubahan iklim di wilayah tersebut. Analisis tren perubahan iklim dilakukan terhadap statistik curah hujan harian yang berkaitan dengan curah hujan ekstrim, salah satunya yaitu curah hujan yang melampaui ambang batas percentile 95%. Data curah hujan bersumber dari data BMKG dan CHIRPS yang dilakukan koreksi bias. Metode Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) dan LVI-IPCC digunakan untuk menilai kerentanan penghidupan masyarakat pesisir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tren curah hujan ekstrem selama 30 tahun di Kabupaten Bintan mengalami laju kenaikan pada rentang 0.146 mm/tahun – 0.4015 mm/tahun. Frekuensi kejadian curah hujan ekstrem juga mengalami kenaikan tren sebesar 24 kali setiap tahunnya dengan kejadian tertinggi pada tahun 2011 serta terendah pada tahun 1997. Nilai tertinggi curah hujan eksrem pada threshold persentil 95% sebesar 291 mm/hari dan terendah sebesar 48.89 mm/hari. Kerentanan penghidupan masyarakat Pesisir Kabupaten Bintan berdasarkan 10 komponen utama dan 53 sub komponen berada pada nilai kerentanan sedang baik pada perhitungan LVI (0.37- 0.40) maupun LVI-IPCC (0.002-0.003). Nilai kerentanan LVI tinggi ditemukan pada komponen strategi penghidupan. Pada penilaian IPCC kategori paparan yang diwakili komponen Bencana Alam dan Variabilitas Iklim memberikan tekanan paling
dc.description.abstractClimate change has an impact on changes in the intensity or frequency of extreme climate events. Coastal areas are the most vulnerable to climate change and extreme climate events. Climate change in coastal areas can be felt from the tendency of changes in temperature, rising sea levels and changes in the characteristics of daily rainfall, such as increasing the number of rainy days. This study aims to determine the effect of global climate change on the coastal climate of Bintan Regency and to assess the vulnerability of household livelihoods to the impacts of climate change in the region. Analysis of climate change trends is carried out on daily rainfall statistics related to extreme rainfall, one of which is rainfall that exceeds the 95% percentile threshold. Rainfall data is sourced from BMKG and CHIRPS data which is corrected for bias. Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and LVI-IPCC methods are used to assess the livelihood vulnerability of coastal communities. The results showed that the trend of extreme rainfall for 30 years in Bintan Regency experienced an increase in the range of 0.146 mm/year – 0.4015 mm/year. The frequency of extreme rainfall events also experienced an increasing trend of 24 times every year with the highest incidence in 2011 and the lowest in 1997. The highest value of extreme rainfall at the 95% percentile threshold was 291 mm/day and the lowest was 48.89 mm/day. The livelihood vulnerability of the coastal communities of Bintan Regency based on 10 main components and 53 subcomponents is at a moderate vulnerability value both in the LVI calculation (0.37- 0.40) and LVI-IPCC (0.002-0.003). High LVI vulnerability values were found in the livelihood strategy component. In the IPCC assessment, the exposure category represented by the Natural Disaster and Climate Variability components gave the greatest
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKerentanan Penghidupan Masyarakat Pesisir Kabupaten Bintan terhadap Perubahan Iklimid
dc.title.alternativeLivelihood Vulnerability of Coastal Communities in Bintan Regency to Climate Changeid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordIklim ekstremid
dc.subject.keywordLivelihood Vulnerability Indexid
dc.subject.keywordLivelihood Vulnerability Index – IPCCid
dc.subject.keywordPercentile 95%id
Appears in Collections:UT - Geophysics and Meteorology

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