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Title: Uji Simplisia Daun Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) terhadap Pembelajaran Spasial dan Neurogenesis pada Hipokampus Mencit
Authors: Juliandi, Berry
Widarto, Tri Heru
Anindita, Chairunnisa
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Otak merupakan pusat sistem saraf yang berfungsi mengatur kemampuan pembelajaran spasial dan pemrosesan memori, keduanya terjadi di daerah hipokampus melalui proses neurogenesis. Salah satu bahan tanaman yang berpotensi dalam meningkatkan fungsi kerja otak yaitu daun tanaman melinjo (Gnetum gnemon). Ekstrak daun melinjo dapat menghambat enzim Acethylcholinesterase dan mengembalikan fungsi kolinergik yang mana sangat penting untuk fungsi kognitif, pembelajaran, dan memori. Penelitian mengenai efek daun melinjo terhadap peningkatan memori sudah pernah dilakukan. Namun, penelitian efek pemberian daun melinjo terhadap proliferasi dan apoptosis sel di hipokampus belum diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh simplisia daun melinjo terhadap neurogenesis di hipokampus serta pembelajaran spasial pada mencit. Penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga kelompok perlakuan, yaitu (1) kelompok kontrol dengan larutan aquades, (2) kelompok P200 dengan pemberian simplisia daun melinjo dosis 200 mg/Kg BB, dan (3) kelompok P500 dengan pemberian simplisia daun melinjo dosis 500 mg/Kg BB. Analisis terhadap kinerja memori dilakukan menggunakan Y-maze Alteration Test. Analisis neurogenesis hipokampus dilakukan dengan metode pewarnaan Hematoksilin-eosin untuk mengamati neural progenitor cells (NPC), sel granular, dan sel apoptosis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan densitas sel NPC secara signifikan dan sel granular yang tidak signifikan serta mampu menurunkan persentase densitas sel apoptosis yang tidak signifikan. Pemberian simplisia daun melinjo juga tidak meningkatkan kinerja memori spasial secara signifikan.
Brain is the center of the nervous system that functions to regulate spatial learning abilities and memory processing, both of which occur in the hippocampus area through the process of neurogenesis. One of the plant materials that has potential to improve brain function is the leaves of the melinjo plant (Gnetum gnemon). Melinjo leaf extract can inhibit the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase and restore cholinergic function which is very important for cognitive function, learning, and memory. Research on the effect of melinjo leaves on memory improvement has been done. However, research on the effect of giving melinjo leaves on cell proliferation and apoptosis in the hippocampus is not yet known. This study aims to examine the effect of melinjo leaf simplicia on neurogenesis in the hippocampus and spatial learning in mice. This study consisted of three treatment groups, (1) the control group was given aquadest solution, (2) the P200 group was given 200 mg/Kg BW dose of melinjo leaf simplicia, and (3) the P500 groupwas given 500 mg/kg dose of melinjo leaf simplicia. Analysis of memory performance was conducted using Y-maze Alteration Test. Hippocampal neurogenesis analysis used the Hematoxylin-eosin staining method to observe neural progenitor cells (NPC), granular cells, and apoptotic cells. The results showed that there was a significant increase in NPC cell density and an insignificant granular cell density and was able to decrease the percentage of apoptotic cell density, but not significantly. Giving melinjo leaf simplicia also did not significantly improve spatial memory performance.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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