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Title: Kompleksitas Bentik dan Nektonik di Ekosistem Terumbu Karang Kei Besar, Maluku Tenggara
Other Titles: Benthic and Nektonic Complexity in Kei Besar Coral Reef Ecosystem, Southeast Maluku
Authors: Adriani
Srimariana, Endang Sunarwati
Fuadi, Itsar Nur
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang di perairan Kei Besar, dengan mengukur komposisi dan kompleksitas habitat terumbu karang terhadap kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman spesies ikan terumbu. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengamatan bawah air menggunakan Point Intercept Transect (PIT), Belt Transect dan estimasi visual kompleksitas struktural habitat di sembilan titik pengamatan pesisir timur Kei Besar. Hasil menunjukkan persen tutupan karang yang tinggi (hingga 75%) dan kemungkinan yang rendah untuk terjadi pergeseran dominansi ke tutupan organisme bentik lain seperti alga, karang lunak, atau spons. Tidak diperoleh hubungan yang spesifik (multikorelasi) antara kekayaan jenis dan kelimpahan ikan dengan sejumlah variabel komunitas bentik terumbu, terutama tutupan karang keras hidup dan kekayaan genus karang. Satu-satunya variabel bentik yang didapati berpengaruh positif terhadap komunitas ikan adalah kompleksitas habitat dasar terumbu karang.
This research was conducted to determine the condition of coral reef ecosystems in Kei Besar, by measuring the composition and complexity of coral reef habitats, abundance and diversity of reef fish species. It was carried out using underwater observation using Point Intercept Transect (PIT), Belt Transect and visual estimation of the structural complexity of the habitat at nine observation points along the eastern coast of Kei Besar. The results showed a high percentage of coral cover (up to 75%) and low probability of a shift in dominance of other benthic organisms such as algae, soft corals, or sponges. No specific relationship (multicorrelation) was found between species richness and fish abundance with a number of reef benthic community variables, especially live hard coral cover and coral genera richness. The only benthic variable that was found to have a positive effect on the fish community was the complexity of the coral reef base habitat.
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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