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Title: Infeksi Cacing Saluran Pencernaan pada Kuda di Istana Cipanas
Other Titles: Gastrointestinal Helminth Infections in Horses in The Cipanas Palace
Authors: Ridwan, Yusuf
Soesatyoratih, Rr
Salsabilah, Savira
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Infeksi cacing saluran pencernaan dapat menyebabkan penyakit dan memiliki dampak besar pada kuda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghitung derajat infeksi kecacingan pada kuda di Istana Cipanas. Sampel feses diambil dari kandang individu kemudian dibawa ke Laboratoium dengan menggunakan coolbox. Sampel diperiksa dengan menggunakan metode pengapungan sederhana, McMaster dan filtrasi bertingkat untuk menentukan infeksi cacing saluran pencernaan. Sampel yang positif nematoda strongyle di siapkan untuk kemudian dilakukan pemupukan feses untuk mendapatkan larva infektif (L3) untuk di identifikasi lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua kuda (18) di Istana Cipanas positif terinfeksi nematoda strongyle. Jumlah rata-rata telur tiap gram tinja (TTGT) sebesar 669,44. Kategori infeksi mulai dari infeksi ringan hingga sedang. Delapan kuda terinfeksi nematoda strongyle dengan kategori infeksi ringan dengan TTGT 50 hingga 450. Sepuluh kuda masuk dalam kategori infeksi sedang dengan TTGT 500 hingga 1800. Berdasarkan identifikasi larva, jenis nematoda strongyle yang ditemukan pada kuda di Istana Cipanas yaitu 100% Cyathostomine. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jenis Cyathostomine yang ditemukan didominasi oleh tipe A sebanyak 67%, kemudian tipe C 20%, tipe G 5%, tipe D 3%, tipe F dan H 2%, dan tipe B 1%. Diperlukan strategi manajemen untuk mencegah infeksi ulang kecacingan pada kuda di Istana Cipanas.
Gastrointestinal helminth infection cause diseases and have great impacts to the horse. This research aimed to observe the type and degree of gastrointestinal helminth infection on horses in Cipanas Palace. Faecal samples were collected individualy in cage and transported to the Laboratory in a coolbox. Samples were examined using the simple floatation , McMaster and filtration methods to determine gastrointestinal helminth infections. Samples that were positive with strongyle nematodes were provided for fecal culture to obtain the infective larvae stage (L3) for further identification. The result showed all (18) horses in Cipanas Palace were positive to strongyle nematode infection. The average amount of strongyle nematode eggs per gram of feces (EPG) were 669,44. The category of infection were ranging from light to mild infection. There were 8 horses in category of light infection with 50 to 450 EPG and 10 horses in moderate infection category with 500 to 1800 EPG. Based on the larval identification, the strongyle types that found in horses of Cipanas Palace was 100% Cyathostomine. The result showed that the type of Cyathostomine species were type A as much as 67%, the type C 20%, type G 5%, type D 3%, type F and H 2%, and type B 1%. Management strategy is required to prevent the reinfection of helminth to horses in The Cipanas Palace.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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