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Title: Penerapan Pompa Hidram pada Sungai Cihideung sebagai Sistem Penyediaan Air Kebun Percobaan Leuwikopo Kabupaten Bogor
Other Titles: Application of the Hydram Pump on Cihideung River as a Water Supply System for Leuwikopo Experimental Field Bogor Regency
Authors: Setiawan, Budi Indra
Rosyady, Fuad
Issue Date: 19-Aug-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pemenuhan kebutuhan air untuk kebun percobaan sangat diperlukan sebagai upaya peningkatan hasil yang diharapkan. Selama ini kebutuhan air di lahan Leuwikopo hanya dipenuhi dari air hujan dan air tanah, sedangkan Sungai Cihideung yang dekat belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui debit suplai, menghasilkan rancangan pipa transmisi, dan desain instalasi penerapan pompa hidram. Penelitian dimulai dengan mengukur beda elevasi dari rencana titik pengambilan, titik pompa hidram, dan titik reservoir. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan debit suplai dengan metode Iversen, penentuan dimensi pipa suplai berdasarkan metode Calvert, perancangan perpipaan dengan perhitungan head loss, dan penentuan spesifikasi pompa hidram di pasaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan debit penggerak pompa hidram sebesar 8,22 l/detik. Jaringan perpipaan pada pipa suplai sepanjang 28 m dengan diameter 4 in berbahan PVC dan pipa penghantar sepanjang 140 m dengan diameter 2 in berbahan HDPE. Rancangan desain instalasi pada intake menggunakan drum berkapasitas 120 l yang diberi lubang. Pompa hidram yang digunakan adalah pompa merek Sanan tipe Flap 4 dengan estimasi debit pemompaan sebesar 0,341 l/detik atau 29.462 liter/hari.
Meeting the water needs for experimental field is very necessary as an effort to increase the expected yields. So far, the fulfillment of water needs in the Leuwikopo field is only from rainwater and ground water, while the Cihideung River which is close has not been used properly. This study aimed to determine the supply flowrate, produce a transmission pipe design, and design the installation of a hydraulic ram pump. The study begined by measuring the elevation difference from the planned intake point, hydram pump point, and reservoir point. Furthermore, calculating the supply discharge using the Iversen method, determining the supply pipe based on the Calvert method, designing a piping network with head loss calculations, and determining the hydram pump specification in the market. The results showed that the flowrate of the hydraulic ram pump was 8,22 l/second. The piping network in the supply pipes was 28 m long with a diameter of 4 in and was made of PVC, while the delivery pipes with 140 m long and 2 in diameter was made of HDPE. The installation design at the intake was designed using a drum with capacity of 120 l and had a hole. The hydraulic ram pump used was a Sanan pump type Flap 4 with an estimated pumping discharge of 0,341 l/second or 29.462 l/day.
Appears in Collections:UT - Civil and Environmental Engineering

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