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Title: Kelembagaan Dan Inovasi Daerah Dalam Tata Kelola Hutan Setelah Implementasi UU No. 23/2014 di Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Other Titles: Institutional and Regional Innovations in Forest Governance After the Implementation of Law Number 23/2014 in North Sumatra Province
Authors: Kartodihardjo, Hariadi
Nugroho, Bramasto
Ekawati, Sulistya
Affandi, Oding
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan (SDH) di Indonesia sangat terkait dengan peraturan desentralisasi yang dihasilkan dari produk politik. Pada tahun 2014 pemerintah menetapkan UU No. 23/2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah sebagai pengganti UU No. 32/2004. Setelah pemberlakuan UU No. 23/2014, kewenangan pengelolaan SDH berada pada pemerintah pusat dan daerah provinsi. Melalui UU No. 23/2014, pemerintah daerah (pemda) juga didorong untuk melakukan inovasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja tata kelola hutan. SDH di Indonesia secara umum dimiliki oleh negara (state property) yang berkarakteristik sebagai sumberdaya bersama (common-pool resources/CPRs) dengan ciri utama (1) sulit mengecualikan pihak lain untuk menggunakannya, baik melalui hambatan fisik atau instrumen hukum (non excludable) dan (2) manfaat yang dikonsumsi oleh satu pihak akan mengurangi manfaat yang tersedia bagi pihak lain (subtraktable). Pada tingkat daerah Provinsi Sumut, selama kurun waktu implementasi UU No.32/2004 (2004-2014) terdapat berbagai isu krusial yang menjadi permasalahan pengelolaan hutan seperti: belum selesainya penetapan kawasan hutan, adanya klaim masyarakat dan konflik perambahan kawasan hutan dan kegiatan illegal logging. Setelah implementasi UU No. 23/2014 permasalahan tersebut masih terus muncul sehingga diperlukan kelembagaan yang tepat untuk meminimalkan terjadinya tragedy of the common. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menganalisis kelembagaan tata kelola hutan setelah implementasi UU No. 23/2014 di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, (2) menilai kondisi tata kelola hutan setelah implementasi UU No. 23/2014, (3) menganalisis daya inovasi pemerintah daerah dalam meningkatkan kinerja tata kelola hutan, dan (4) menganalisis faktor-faktor penghambat dan pendorong pengembangan inovasi dalam meningkatan kinerja tata kelola hutan. Analisis dalam penelitiaan ini menggunakan pendekatan kerangka kerja kelembagaan yang dikembangkan Nugroho (2016), dimana sebuah kinerja sangat terkait dan saling pengaruh antar komponen kelembagaan yaitu: struktur kelembagaan, karakteristik sumberdaya, dan perilaku aktor). Guna mendukung analisis kelembagaan tersebut digunakan teori (konsep) kelembagaan dari Pakpahan (1990); Kartodihardjo (2008), yang menyebutkan bahwa kelembagaan merupakan inovasi manusia untuk mengatur atau mengontrol interdependensi antara pihak terhadap SDH melalui hak kepemilikan (property rights), batas yurisdiksi (jurisdictional boundary), dan aturan representasi (rule of representation). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, focus group discussion (FGD), observasi, analisis dokumen/literature. Hasil analisis kelembagaan menunjukkan bahwa, setelah implementasi UU No.23/2014, tata kelola hutan di Provinsi Sumut masih bernuansa sentralistik, karakteristik sumberdaya hutan tidak berubah (tetap sebagai common pool resouces), dan belum adanya sinergi perilaku para aktor. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan kinerja tata kelola hutan belum mengalami perbaikan secara signifikan. Sejalan dengan itu, hasil analisis kelembagaan juga menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terjadi penyempitan batas yuridiksi daerah provinsi, (2) masih rendahnya aspek aturan representasi bagi daerah provinsi, dan (3) masih adanya klaim dari pemangku kepentingan lain, yang menandakan rendahnya legitimasi para pihak. Kondisi tata kelola hutan yang diukur berdasarkan penilaian indeks tata kelola hutan pada empat aspek tata kelola (yaitu kepastian kawasan hutan, keadilan atas sumberdaya hutan, transparansi pengelolaan hutan, dan kapasitas penegakan hukum), menunjukkan bahwa pemberlakuan UU No. 23/2014 di Provinsi Sumut telah mendorong perbaikan tata kelola hutan yang ditandai dengan naiknya nilai indeks tata kelola hutan pada tahun 2018 (nilai 5,35; katergori “baik”) dari tahun 2014 (nilai 3,70; kategori “sedang”). Namun demikian, perbaikan ini belum sepenuhnya terjadi pada seluruh aspek tata kelola hutan sehingga belum mampu secara signifikan mendorong terjadinya perbaikan kinerja tata kelola hutan. Pemberlakuan UU No. 23/2014 dan PP No. 38/2017 di Provinsi Sumut, telah mendorong lahirnya beberapa bentuk inovasi daerah yang terkait dengan tata kelola hutan seperti: inovasi kebijakan pencegahan korupsi (termasuk di dalamnya perizinan online), pengelolaan provinsi dengan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (smart province), inovasi kebijakan tentang pengelolaan kawasan hutan, pengembangan pengelolaan hutan oleh KPH, dan skema kemitraan kehutanan. Lahirnya bentuk inovasi yang ada pada pada umumnya karena adanya dorongan dari implementasi inovasi pembangunan pemerintah pusat yang harus dilaksanakan di daerah (tipe inovasi yang terkategori intrukstif). Walaupun telah ada payung hukum untuk berinovasi bagi pemda, namun daya inovasi daerah Provinsi Sumut dalam tata kelola hutan baru mencapai kategori “cukup” dengan nilai indeks 54,52 (Nilai 52,00 – 67,99 kategori cukup). Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan inovasi daerah dalam tata kelola hutan belum berjalan secara optimal karena adanya faktor penghambat dan pendorong inovasi. Dalam konteks kelembagaan tata kelola hutan di Provinsi Sumut, lambatnya perkembangan inovasi daerah dalam tata kelola hutan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti: (1) kurang kondusifnya lingkungan politik yang menyebabkan rendahnya dukungan kebijakan dan anggaran dan (2) belum adanya penerapan mekanisme insentif bagi inovator sehingga menyebabkan rendahnya iklim organisasi. Untuk mendukung perbaikan kinerja dan berkembangnya inovasi daerah dalam tata kelola hutan di Provinsi Sumut, diperlukan beberapa upaya seperti: (1) diterbitkannya peraturan tingkat daerah yang akan menjadi payung hukum bagi para pihak dalam perbaikan tata kelola hutan, sekaligus sebagai wujud adanya kaidah rules of representation, (2) dikembangkan skema kemitraan kehutanan dalam pengelolaan hutan untuk memperluas jurisdiction of boundary sebagai model tata kelola polisentrik (polycentric governance), (3) Melakukan inovasi property right sehingga terdapat kejelasan hak dan kewajiban pemegang izin/hak kelola dengan mengubah posisi para pemegang izin/hak kelola dari sebatas sebagai penyewa (claimant) menjadi pemilik yang terikat (proprietor).
Forest resource management in Indonesia is closely related to the decentralization regulations that result from political products. In 2014 the government enacted Law Number 23/2014 concerning Regional Government in lieu of Law Number 32/2004. After the enactment of Law Number 23/2014, the authority to manage forest resource rested on the central and provincial governments. Through Law Number 23/2014, local governments are also encouraged to innovate in improving forest governance performance. Forest resource in Indonesia is generally owned by the state (state property) which is characterized as a common-pool resource (CPRs) with the main characteristics (1) it is difficult to exclude other parties from using it, either through physical barriers or legal instruments (non-excludable) and (2) benefits consumed by one party will reduce the benefits available to other parties (subtractable). At the regional level of North Sumatra Province, during the implementation period of Law Number 32/2004 (2004-2014) there were various crucial issues that became forest management problems, such as: unfinished forest area determination, community claims and conflicts over forest area encroachment and illegal logging activities. After the implementation of Law Number 23/2014, these problems continue to arise so that appropriate institutional are needed to minimize the tragedy of the common. Therefore, this study aims to: (1) analyze forest governance institutional after the implementation of Law Number 23/2014 in North Sumatra Province, (2) assessing the condition of forest governance after the implementation of Law Number 23/2014, (3) analyze the innovation power of local governments in improving forest governance performance, and (4) analyze the inhibiting and driving factors for the development of innovation in improving forest governance performance. The analysis in this study uses an institutional framework approach developed by Nugroho (2016), where a performance is closely related and has mutual influence between institutional components, namely: institutional structure, resource characteristics, and actor behavior. In order to support the institutional analysis, institutional theory (concept) is used Pakpahan (1990); Kartodihardjo (2008), who mentions that institutional are human innovations to regulate or control interdependence between parties to forest resource through property rights, jurisdictional boundaries, and rules of representation. Data was collected through interviews, focus group discussions, observation, and document/literature analysis. The results of the institutional analysis show that, after the implementation of Law Number 23/2014, forest management in North Sumatra Province is still centralized, the characteristics of forest resources have not changed (remaining as common pool resources), and there is no synergy in the behavior of the actors. This causes the performance of forest governance to have not improved significantly, which is indicated by the forest area gazettement has not been completed, there are no independent FMUs that implement the BLUD scheme, community access rights and forest utilization are low, the cost of obtaining permits according to regulations but the service process is still slow. This condition is also strengthened by the results of institutional analysis which show that: (1) there is a narrowing of the jurisdictional boundaries of the province, where the sub-functions of forestry planning and forestry supervision are only the authority of the central government, (2) there are still many central government regulations used in forest management, which characterize the low aspect of provincial regional representation rules, and (3 ) forest ownership rights are clear but there are still claims from other stakeholders, which indicates the low legitimacy of the parties The condition of forest governance as measured by the assessment of the forest governance index on four aspects of governance (that is certainty of forest areas, justice for forest resources, transparency of forest management, and capacity for law enforcement), shows that enactment of Law Number 23/2014 in North Sumatra Province has encouraged improvements in forest governance, which is indicated by an increase in the value of the forest governance index in 2018 (score 5.35; category “good”) from 2014 (score 3.70; category “moderate”). However, this improvement has not fully occurred in all aspects of forest governance so that it has not been able to significantly encourage improvements in forest governance performance. The aspect of forest management transparency has the highest index value (score 6.67, category "good") and the aspect of justice for SDH with the lowest index value of 4.61 (category of "moderate"). "currently"). The enactment of Law Number 23/2014 in North Sumatra Province, has led to the arise of several forms of local innovation related to forest governance, either directly or indirectly, such as: innovation of corruption prevention policies (including online licensing), provincial management withutilization of information and communication technology (smart province), policy innovation on forest area management, development of forest management by FMUs, and forestry partnership schemes. The birth of existing forms of innovation in general is due to the encouragement of the implementation of central government development innovations that must be carried out in the regions (instructive types of innovations). Although there has been a legal umbrella for innovation for the local government, the innovation power of the North Sumatra Province in forest management has only reached the "enough" category with an index value of 54.52 (Score 52.00 – 67.99 category enough). This condition shows that the implementation of local government innovations in forest governance has not run optimally and there are many indikators of local innovation dimensions that have not been fulfilled by the North Sumatera Provincial Government, and are caused by the inhibiting and driving factors of innovation. Based on the inhibiting and driving factors for the development of innovation, it is known that both internal and external factors have an influence on the development of regional innovation. In the context of forest governance in North Sumatra Province, the slow development of regional innovation in forest governance is caused by several factors, such as: (1) the political environment is not conducive, causing low policy and budget support for regional innovation development and (2) there is no implementation of incentive mechanisms for innovators thus causing a low organizational climate in encouraging the development of regional innovation
Appears in Collections:DT - Forestry

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