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Title: Minat Beli Generasi Milenial Terhadap Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan Skema Syariah di Kota Bandarlampung
Authors: Nursyamsiah, Tita
Muthohharoh, Marhamah
Mafazah, Nadya Fakhrotul
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Millennial generation is classified as a productive age and has a population composition of 25,87% of the Indonesian population. However, millennial generation has a low ownership and interest in pension program. This study aims to analyze factors affecting millennial’s purchase intention of DPLK sharia scheme. The sample used was 116 millennials that were taken by non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. The methods used are descriptive analysis and inferential analysis with SEM-PLS approach. The analysis results showed that halal awareness, religious beliefs, preparation of retirement financial planning, marketing strategy, and knowledge had a significant positive relationship on purchase intention of Millennial towards Financial Institution Pension Fund (DPLK) sharia scheme.
Millennial generation is classified as a productive age and has a population composition of 25,87% of the Indonesian population. However, millennial generation has a low of ownership and interest in pension program. This study aims to analyze factors affecting millennial’s purchase intention of DPLK sharia scheme. The sample used was 116 millennials that were taken by non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. The methods used are descriptive analysis and inferential analysis with SEM-PLS approach. The analysis results showed that halal awareness, religious beliefs, preparation of retirement financial planning, marketing strategy, and knowledge had a significant positive relationship on purchase intention of Millennial towards Financial Institution Pension Fund (DPLK) sharia scheme.
Appears in Collections:UT - Syariah Economic

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