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Title: Modifikasi Rancangan Sumur Resapan Paralel sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Limpasan Lahan dan Atap pada Gedung Kuliah Baru IPB Dramaga
Other Titles: Design Modification of Parallel Infiltration Wells to Reduce Land and Roof Runoff in the New Lecture Building of Dramaga IPB
Authors: Chadirin, Yudi
Saptomo, Satyanto Krido
Vanesa, Vinta
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Salah satu upaya pengurangan limpasan hujan yang mencakup konservasi air tanah adalah sumur resapan. Perancangan sumur resapan pada gedung kuliah baru IPB sudah pernah dilakukan. Sumur resapan hanya meresapkan limpasan dari atap sehingga efektivitas sumur dalam meresapkan limpasan lahan total sebesar 17.77%. Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang, menghitung Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) dan merekomendasikan teknis pengelolaan sumur resapan paralel yang meresapkan limpasan dari lahan dan atap gedung kuliah baru IPB. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan April-Juli 2021. Pengambilan data dilakukan di gedung kuliah baru IPB. Perencanaan sumur resapan mengacu pada SNI 8456:2017. Sumur resapan direncanakan berpenampang lingkaran dengan dinding buis beton berporous, berdiameter 1 m dan kedalaman 2 m. Sumur resapan direncanakan meresapkan 50% beban volume limpasan sehingga dibutuhkan 116 sumur dengan luas lahan 1456.96 m2. RAB satu unit sumur resapan adalah Rp 5,565,728.00 sehingga untuk membangun 116 unit sumur resapan dibutuhkan biaya sebesar Rp 645,624,435.00. Sumur resapan yang direncanakan dapat meresapkan limpasan dari lahan dan atap secara alami tanpa bantuan pompa.
One of the efforts to reduce rain runoff which includes groundwater conservation is infiltration wells. The design of infiltration wells in the new lecture building of IPB has been carried out. Infiltration wells only absorb runoff from the roof so that the effectiveness of the well in absorbing the total land runoff is 17.77%. This study aims to design, calculate the budget plan and recommend the technical management of parallel infiltration wells that absorb runoff from the land and roof of the new lecture building of IPB. The research was carried out in April-July 2021. Data collection was carried out in the new lecture building of IPB. Infiltration well planning refers to SNI 8456:2017. The infiltration well is planned to have a circular cross-section with a porous concrete buis wall, 1 m in diameter and 2 m deep. Infiltration wells are planned to absorb 50% of the runoff volume load so that it takes 116 wells with the required land area of 1456.96 m2. The budget plan for one unit of infiltration well is Rp. 5,565,728.00, so to build 116 units of infiltration well, it costs Rp. 645.624,435.00. The planned infiltration well can absorb runoff from the land and roof naturally without the help of a pump.
Appears in Collections:UT - Civil and Environmental Engineering

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