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dc.contributor.advisorGuntoro, Dwi-
dc.description.abstractGulma pada pertanaman jambu kristal harus dikendalikan untuk mengurangi kompetisi. Pengendalian gulma menggunakan herbisida berbahan aktif yang sama secara terus menerus dapat menyebabkan gulma menjadi resisten terhadap herbisida. Pengujian resistensi gulma bertujuan melihat status gulma dominan yang berada pada pertanaman jambu kristal sehingga strategi pengendalian dapat dilakukan. Identifikasi gulma dominan menggunakan analisis vegetasi pada 4 blok menggunakan metode kuadrat. Setiap blok diambil 5 titik contoh dengan kuadran. Gulma dominan ditentukan berdasarkan Nisbah Jumlah Dominansi (NJD). Biji gulma dominan pada percobaan pertama diambil dari kebun ATP secara acak pada tiap blok sebanyak 20 titik yang kemudian ditanam sebanyak 25 bibit ke polybag setelah disemai. Gulma disemprot dengan herbisida dengan 9 taraf dosis yaitu kontrol 0 g.ha-1(D0), 60,75 g.ha-1(D1), 121,5 g.ha-1(D2), 243 g.ha-1(D3), 486 g.ha-1(D4), 972 g.ha-1(D5), 1.944 g.ha-1(D6), 3.888 g.ha-1(D7), dan 7.776 g.ha-1(D8) sebanyak 3 ulangan. Gulma kemudian dipanen dan dihitung % kematiannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gulma dominan di kebun ATP adalah Cyperus kyllingia. Tiap blok kebun jambu kristal memiliki nisbah resistensi yang berbeda dengan blok 4 yang tertinggi yaitu sebesar 2,129 (resistensi rendah).id
dc.description.abstractWeeds in guava plantation must be controlled to reduce competition. Weed control using the same active ingredient herbicide continuously can cause weeds resistant. Weed resistance testing aimed to see the status of dominant weeds in guava plantations so that weed control strategies can be carried out. Dominant weeds identification used vegetation analysis in 4 blocks using the quadrant method. Each block was taken 5 sample points with a quadrant. Dominant weeds was determined based on the Sum Dominancy Ratio (SDR). The dominant weed seeds in the first experiment were taken from the ATP IPB field by taking ramdomly 20 points from each blocks, which were then planted as many as 25 seedlings into polybags after sowing. Weeds were sprayed with the glyphosate herbicide with 9 dose levels, namely control 0 g.ha-1(D0), 60.75 g.ha-1(D1), 121.5 g.ha-1(D2), 243 g.ha-1(D3), 486 g.ha-1(D4), 972 g.ha-1(D5), 1,944 g.ha-1(D6), 3,888 g.ha-1(D7), and 7.776 g.ha-1 (D8) with 3 replications. Weeds were then harvested and the %mortality was calculated. The results showed that the dominant weed in ATP field was Cyperus kyllingia. Each block had a different resistance ratio to glyphosate. Block 4 had the highest resistance ratio, which was 2.129 (low resistance).id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDominansi Gulma dan Potensi Resistensinya terhadap Herbisida Glifosat pada Pertanaman Jambu Kristalid
dc.title.alternativeDominance of Weeds and The Potential of Resistance to Glyphosate Herbicides in Guava Plantationid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordanalisis vegetasiid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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