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Title: Penapisan Virtual Senyawa Polifenol Alami sebagai Inhibitor Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 untuk Anti Photoaging dan Photocarcinogenesis
Other Titles: Virtual Screening Natural Polyphenol Compounds as Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 for Anti Photoaging and Photocarcinogenesis
Authors: Kurniatin, Popi Asri
Andrianto, Dimas
Nurzannah, Alifiya
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) menjadi enzim yang paling banyak dipicu aktivitasnya oleh sinar UV dan bertanggung jawab terhadap degradasi kolagen. Degradasi kolagen menjadi penyebab utama photoaging dan photocarcinogenesis. Berbagai senyawa aktif telah diteliti aktivitasnya sebagai inhibitor MMP-1, termasuk senyawa polifenol. Saat ini, lebih dari 8000 jenis polifenol telah diidentifikasi di berbagai tanaman dan belum semuanya diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyaring polifenol alami dari database sebagai inhibitor MMP-1 terbaik. Tahap awal penelitian yaitu dilakukan penapisan virtual 408 polifenol alami menggunakan PyRx dan prediksi bioavailabilitas serta toksisitas menggunakan pkCSM dan Protox online tool, dilanjutkan dengan penambatan molekuler menggunakan AutoDock Vina serta visualisasi 2D dengan LigPlot+ dan 3D dengan PyMol. Terdapat empat senyawa yang diprediksi potensial sebagai inhibitor MMP-1 untuk anti photoaging dan photocarcinogenesis, yaitu luteolinidin, hispidulin, demetoksikurkumin, dan kurkumin. Luteolinidin dan hispidulin menghambat dengan mengkelat Zn katalitik, sedangkan demetoksikurkumin dan kurkumin tanpa mengkelat Zn katalitik, tetapi membentuk interaksi lebih banyak pada kantong S1’. Demetoksikurkumin memiliki kemampuan menghambat terbaik dengan ΔG -10,0 kkal/mol, Ki 0,05 µM, dan BSS 66,77%.
Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) is the enzyme that is mostly triggered by UV rays and it is responsible for collagen degradation. Degradation of collagen is the main cause of photoaging and photocarcinogenesis. Various active compounds have been studied for their activity as MMP-1 inhibitors, including polyphenol compounds. Recently, more than 8000 types of polyphenols have been identified in various plants and not all of them have been studied. The research aims to screen virtualy natural polyphenols from database as the best MMP-1 inhibitors. First step of the research is virtual screening of 408 natural polyphenols using PyRx and prediction of bioavailability also toxicity using pkCSM and Protox online tool, followed by molecular docking using AutoDock Vina and 2D visualization with LigPlot+ also 3D with PyMol. There are four compounds predicted as potential MMP-1 inhibitors for anti photoaging and photocarcinogenesis, such as luteolinidin, hispidulin, demethoxicurcumin, and curcumin. Luteolinidin and hispidulin are inhibit by chelating catalytic Zn, whereas demethoxycurcumin and curcumin do not chelate catalytic Zn, but they are form more interactions in the S1' pocket. Demethoxycurcumin has the best inhibitory ability with ΔG -10,0 kcal/mol, Ki 0,05 M, and BSS 66,77%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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