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Title: Penambatan Molekuler Komponen Kimia Limbah Palm Oil Mill Effluent dengan Beberapa Enzim Mikrobial sebagai Agen Bioremediasi Potensial
Other Titles: Molecular Docking of Potential Microbial Enzyme as Palm Oil Mill Effluent Bioremediation Agents
Authors: Ambarsari, Laksmi
Andrianto, Dimas
Zahra, Hafizh
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Palm oil mill effluent (POME) yang berasal dari industri kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu penyebab utama pencemaran air karena kaya akan bahan organik dan warnanya yang gelap. Limbah POME memiliki beberapa zat penyebab sifat uniknya, salah satunya adalah melanoidin. Tidak hanya melanoidin, komponen fenolik yang terdapat pada POME juga diketahui bersifat fitotoksik bagi lingkungan akuatik. Beberapa enzim mikroba potensial sudah dianggap mampu mendegradasi bahan kimia ini, tetapi mekanismenya tidak diketahui. Melalui penelitian ini, enzim potensial tersebut (α-glukosidase, β-glukosidase, β-mannanase, lakase, dan mangan katalase) digunakan untuk memvisualisasikan pengikatan kompleks reseptor-ligan dalam mencari agen bioremediasi POME yang sesuai. Analisis penelitian dilakukan dengan Autodock Vina dan skor penambatan mewakili kekuatan afinitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melanoidin yang berkontribusi terhadap warna gelap POME memiliki nilai docking terbaik yaitu -10,1 kkal/mol dengan mangan katalase. Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa semua reseptor memiliki afinitas tinggi terhadap melanoidin, yang menunjukkan bahwa enzim ini melakukan reaksi spontan terhadap komponen kimia limbah POME
Palm oil mill effluent (POME) originated from palm oil industries is one of the significant causes of water pollution because of its richness in organic matters and dark color. It has been discovered that POME has several substances that cause its distinct characteristics, namely melanoidin. Several phenolic components found in POME are also known to be phytotoxic for the aquatic environment. Certain potential microbial enzymes are already presumed capable of degrading these chemicals, but the exact mechanism is unknown. Here I employed molecular docking of these possible enzymes (i.e., α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, β-mannanase, laccase, and manganese catalase) to visualize the ligand-receptor complex binding in searching for POME potential bioremediation agent. The result analysis uses the Autodock Tool v1.5.6, and the docking score represents the affinities of the bond strength. The results show that melanoidin has the lowest docking score with -10.1 kcal/mol into manganese catalase. The results demonstrate that all of the receptors possess a high affinity towards melanoidin, indicating that these enzymes perform spontaneous reactions towards POME waste chemical components
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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