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Title: Sikap dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Aplikasi Daring Pada Layanan Antar Makanan Sap Saji di Jabodetabek
Other Titles: Customer Attitude and Satisfaction by Online Application for Ready-to-Eat Food Delivery Service in Jabodetabek
Authors: Fariyanti, Anna
Tinaprilla, Netti
Kusumarini, R.R. Ajeng Pratiwi Indah
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pandemi Covid-19 membuat masyarakat harus lebih berusaha untuk bertahan hidup. Khususnya warga sekitar Jabodetabek yang terdampak PSBB mengakibatkan mobilisasi masyarakat menjadi terbatas dan aplikasi daring membantu pelanggan untuk membeli makanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis proses keputusan pembelian, sikap dan kepuasan pelanggan serta menguji perbedaan secara nyata pada sikap dan kepuasan pelanggan. Analisis deskriptif digunakan untuk proses keputusan pembelian pelanggan. Analisis Multiatribut Fishbein digunakan untuk menganalisis sikap pelanggan dan kepuasan pelanggan pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis CSI. Serta penggunaan uji beda nonparametik Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima proses keputusan pembelian, nilai sikap terhadap pelanggan aplikasi GrabFood lebih besar dibandingkan GoFood dengan poin 193,88 dan 193,86. Diperoleh sikap dan kepuasan pelanggan GoFood dan GrabFood tidak berbeda secara nyata, serta pelanggan dianggap puas dengan nilai CSI GoFood dan GrabFood sebesar 79,24% dan 78,16%.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced people to do more to survive. In particular, residents around Jabodetabek who were affected by the PSBB resulted in limited community mobilization and online applications helping customers to buy food. The purpose of this study are to analyze the purchasing decision process, attitudes and customer satisfaction and to test whether there is a significant difference in attitudes and customer satisfaction. Descriptive analysis tools are used for the customer's purchasing decision process. Fishbein Multiattribute Analysis is used to analyze customer attitudes and customer satisfaction in this study using CSI analysis. And the use of the Mann-Whitney nonparametric difference test. The results show that there are five purchasing decision processes, the attitude value towards GrabFood application customers is greater than GoFood with 193.88 and 193.86 points. The attitudes and satisfaction of GoFood and GrabFood customers were not significantly different, and customers were considered satisfied with the CSI GoFood and GrabFood values of 79.24% and 78.16%, respectively.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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