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dc.contributor.advisorMuljono, Pudji-
dc.contributor.advisorSumertajaya, I Made-
dc.contributor.authorWibowo, Dwi Yoga Ari-
dc.description.abstractBerdasarkan hasil penilaian prestasi kerja pegawai Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan Kementerian Pertanian dari tahun 2015 – 2018, terdapat dinamika capaian kinerja, untuk itu perlu adanya analisis mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Diberlakukannya UU Nomor 5 tahun 2014 membawa implikasi mengenai kesesuaian kompetensi pegawai dengan jabatannya. Inovasi dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan juga dibutuhkan dengan adanya tuntutan profesionalitas PNS serta paradigma mengenai bekerja dengan berorientasi hasil. Peningkatan kompetensi dan kinerja serta inovasi tidak lepas dari pengetahuan yang dimiliki pegawai. Peran knowledge management diperlukan agar kebutuhan pengetahuan dari pegawai dapat tercukupi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kompetensi, inovasi, serta kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari knowledge management, kompetensi dan inovasi terhadap kinerja pegawai di Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan Kementerian Pertanian. Pengambilan data dilakukan dari Bulan Agustus sampai dengan Oktober 2020 dengan metode sensus terhadap 103 pegawai Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan, wawancara dengan pejabat penilai dan pengelola kepegawaian. Nilai kinerja diperoleh dari hasil penilaian prestasi kerja pegawai tahun 2019. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modeling – Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) dengan bantuan software SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa knowledge management mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap inovasi dan kompetensi. Inovasi mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja, namun knowledge management, dan kompetensi tidak bepengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan. Secara tidak langsung knowledge management berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja secara melalui inovasi, namun knowledge management tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja melalui kompetensi. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan di suatu unit kerja yang membutuhkan keahlian khusus sehingga kompetensi pegawai sangat
dc.description.abstractBased on the results of the work performance appraisal of the employees of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Bureau of Finance and Equipment from 2015 - 2018, there are dynamics of performance achievements, for that it is necessary to analyze the factors that influence it. The enactment of Law number 5 of 2014 has implications regarding the suitability of employee competencies with their positions. Innovation in the implementation of work is also needed given the professional demands of civil servants and the paradigm of working with results orientation. Increasing competence and performance as well as innovation cannot be separated from the knowledge possessed by employees. The role of knowledge management is needed so that the knowledge needs of employees can be fulfilled so that it can increase competence, innovation, and employee performance. This study aims to analyze the influence of knowledge management, competence and innovation on employee performance in the Finance and Equipment Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture. Data collection was carried out from August to October 2020 using the census method on 103 employees of the Finance and Equipment Bureau, interviews with appraisal officials and personnel managers. The performance value is obtained from the results of the employee work performance appraisal in 2019. Data processing uses Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) analysis with the help of SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study indicate that knowledge management has a significant influence on innovation and competence. Innovation has a significant effect on performance, but knowledge management and competence do not have a significant effect on the performance of the Finance and Equipment Bureau employees. Indirectly, knowledge management has a significant effect on performance through innovation, but knowledge management has no significant effect on performance through competence. Suggestions for further research are research conducted in a work unit that requires special skills so that employee competence is taken into
dc.description.sponsorshipBPSDMP Kementerian Pertanianid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Knowledge Management, Kompetensi dan Inovasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Biro Keuangan dan Perlengkapan Kementerian Pertanianid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of the Influence of Knowledge Management, Competence, and Innovation on Employee Performance at the Finance and Equipment Bureau of the Ministry of Agricultureid
dc.subject.keywordknowledge managementid
dc.subject.keywordPLS SEMid
Appears in Collections:MT - Economic and Management

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