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Title: Analisis Kinerja dan Daya Saing Teh Hitam Indonesia di Negara Tujuan Ekspor (Studi Kasus Malaysia)
Other Titles: Analysis of Performance and Competitiveness of Indonesian Black Tea in Export Destination Countries (Case Study Malaysia)
Authors: Baga, Lukman Mohammad
Arsyi, Difani Khadijah
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Teh merupakan komoditas perkebunan unggulan yang berorientasi ekspor dan berkontribusi besar terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB). Pada tahun 2018, Indonesia menempati peringkat pertama eksportir dengan volume ekspor teh hitam terbesar di Malaysia, namun nilai dan harga ekspor Indonesia termasuk rendah. Negara pesaing utama Indonesia yaitu China, India, Kenya, dan Vietnam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja perdagangan dan daya saing teh hitam Indonesia di Malaysia dengan menggunakan pendekatan keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif. Metode yang digunakan adalah TBI, RCA, dan teori berlian Porter. Komoditas yang dianalisis yaitu teh hitam dengan kode HS 090240. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia berperan sebagai negara eksportir di pasar teh hitam Malaysia. Indeks RCA Indonesia berada di peringkat dua setelah Kenya, memperlihatkan bahwa Indonesia berdaya saing komparatif di antara pesaing utama. Daya saing kompetitif Indoensia cukup kuat, namun terdapat dua komponen yang masih harus ditingkatkan yaitu kondisi permintaan domestik dan kondisi strategi, struktur, dan persaingan pasar.
Tea is a leading plantation commodity that is export-oriented and contributes greatly to gross domestic product (GDP). In 2018, Indonesia was ranked as the first exporter with the largest black tea export volume in Malaysia, but the value and price of Indonesia's exports are low. Indonesia's main competitors are China, India, Kenya, and Vietnam. This study aims to analyze the trade performance and competitiveness of Indonesian black tea in Malaysia using a comparative advantage and competitive advantage approach. The methods used are TBI, RCA, and Porter's diamond theory. The commodity is black tea with HS code 090240. The results show that Indonesia has a role as an exporter country in the Malaysian black tea market. Indonesia's RCA Index is ranked second after Kenya, showing that Indonesia is comparatively competitive among its main competitors. The competitiveness of Indonesia is quite strong, but there are two components that still need to be improved. First is the condition of domestic demand and the second one is the conditions of strategy, structure, and market competition.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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