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Title: Pencitraan Ultrasonografi Hati, Ginjal, dan Vesika Urinaria pada Anak Babi (Sus scrofa domestica)
Other Titles: The Ultrasound Imaging of Bladder, Kidney, and Liver in Piglets (Sus scrofa domestica)
Authors: Gunanti
Amin, Akhmad Arif
Annisa, Fadhilah Nur
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran USG hati, ginjal dan kandung kemih pada anak babi (Sus scrofa domestica), sehingga data tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk pemeriksaan posisi, ekogenisitas, dan ukuran. Ultrasonografi dilakukan pada enam ekor anak babi jantan berumur 1 bulan 1 hari. Pemeriksaan klinis dilakukan untuk memastikan anak babi dalam keadaan sehat. USG hati dan kandung kemih diamati pada posisi dorsal recumbency, sedangkan ginjal diamati pada posisi lateral-recumbency. Ultrasonografi dilakukan menggunakan Chison EBit 60, transduser linier dengan frekuensi 9 MHz pada posisi sagital dan gain 50 - 80. Ekogenisitas hati cenderung hiperekoik, ginjal hiperekoik, dan kandung kemih hipoekoik karena penggunaan gain yang tidak tepat. Pencitraan kandung kemih menunjukkan perubahan ukuran dinding dan ekogenisitas. Panjang rata-rata ginjal kanan 4,73±0,50 cm dan ginjal kiri 4,08±0,26 cm. Ketebalan dinding kandung kemih adalah 1,3 ± 0,31 mm. Pengukuran panjang ginjal dan ketebalan dinding kandung kemih yang diperoleh menunjukkan hasil yang hampir seragam sehingga pada penelitian ini diketahui posisi, ekogenisitas, dan ukuran organ normal
This study aims to determine ultrasound imaging of the liver, kidneys and bladder in piglets (Sus scrofa domestica), therefore the data can be used as reference for examination position, echogenicity, and size of the organs. Ultrasound was performed on six male piglets aged 1 month and 1 day. Clinical examination was conducted to ensure that the piglets are in good health. Ultrasound of the liver and bladder was observed in dorsal-recumbency position, while the kidneys were observed in lateral-recumbency positions. Ultrasound was performed using Chison EBit 60, linear transducer with 9 MHz frequency at the sagittal position and gain 50 - 80. The echogenicity of the liver tends to be hyperechoic, the kidneys are hyperechoic, and the bladder is hypoechoic due to improper use of gain. Bladder imaging showed changes in wall size and echogenicity. The average length of the right kidney was 4.73±0.50 cm and the left kidney was 4.08±0.26 cm. The bladder wall thickness is 1.3±0.31 mm. Measurements of kidney length and bladder wall thickness obtained showed almost uniform results so that in this study the data on the position, ecogenicity, and size of normal organs were known.
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology

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