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dc.contributor.advisorBudiman, Cahyo-
dc.contributor.authorTambunan, Kevin Geraldi Piere-
dc.description.abstractTelur tetas terkadang sering disimpan sebelum ditetaskan dan akan menjadi sasaran infeksi bakteri yang dipertanyakan. Telur biasanya dicuci dengan air hangat sebelum proses penetasan dan efektivitasnya masih diragukan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu penambahan senyawa antibakteri setelah telur dicuci, yaitu lisozim putih telur (LPT). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas LPT sebagai agen antibakterial telur tetas itik alabio selama penyimpanan. Sebanyak 60 butir telur diberi 4 perlakuan yaitu tanpa perlakuan, dicuci dengan air hangat, dan perendaman lisozim pada larutan 1 g mL-1 dan 2,5 g mL-1. Perubahan mikrobiologi dan fisik pada telur diamati pada hari ke-0, 4, dan 7. Hasil pengujian seluruh sampel telur bebas dari Salmonella spp. Menariknya, hasil total plate count (TPC), penyusutan bobot, dan kualitas kantung udara menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan pada LPT dapat mencegah penetrasi bakteri dari permukaan kerabang telur. Pengaruh perendaman LPT bergantung pada konsentrasinya dimana konsenstrasi yang lebih tinggi dari LPT dapat menghasilkan nilai TPC lebih rendah, mengurangi persentase penyusutan bobot, dan mempertahankan kualitas kantung udara pada telur tetasid
dc.description.abstractPractically, hatching eggs are often to be stored prior to hatch and will be the target of a definitive questionable bacterial infection. Eggs are usually washed with warm water prior to the hatching process and their effectiveness is questionable. Therefore, it is necessary to add an antibacterial compound after the eggs are washed, namely egg white lysozyme (EWL). This research is aimed to analyze the effectiveness of EWL as an antibacterial agent for alabio hatching eggs during storage. The total of 60 eggs were given 4 treatments, namely untreated, washed with warm water, and soaking lysozyme in a solution of 1 g mL-1 and 2,5 g mL-1. Microbiological and physical changes in eggs were observed on days 0, 4, and 7. The results showed that all eggs were free from Salmonella spp. Interestingly, the results of the total plate count (TPC), weight loss, and air sacs quality indicated that the EWL treatment could prevent bacterial penetration from the surface of the eggshell. The effect of immersion in EWL depends on its concentration where a higher concentration of EWL can yield in a lower TPC values, reduce weight loss, and maintain air sacs quality in hatching
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEfektivitas Lisozim Putih Telur Ayam sebagai Antibakterial Telur Itik Alabioid
dc.title.alternativeEffectiveness of Chicken Egg White Lysozyme (EWL) as Antibacterial Alabio Duck Eggsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordalabio duck hatching eggsid
dc.subject.keywordchicken egg white lysozymeid
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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