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Title: Pencitraan Ultrasonografi untuk Pendugaan Bobot Karkas pada Ayam IPB D2 dan D3 Berdasarkan Potongan Komersial
Other Titles: Ultrasound Imaging to Estimates Carcass Weight in IPB D2 and D3 Chickens Based on Commercial Cuts
Authors: Ulum, Mokhamad Fakhrul
Sumantri, Cece
Bahari, Tigrisia Faathira Ahmad
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Karkas ayam umumnya dipasarkan dalam bentuk utuh ataupun potongan komersial (punggung, sayap, paha atas dan bawah serta dada). Ayam IPB D2 dan D3 merupakan calon galur baru hasil penyeleksian dari ayam IPB D1 terhadap ketahanan penyakit dan pertumbuhan cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi bobot karkas pada ayam IPB D2 dan D3 hidup berdasarkan potongan komersial menggunakan pencitraan ultrasonografi. Tiga puluh ekor Ayam IPB D2 (n=15) dan D3 (n=15) berjenis kelamin jantan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Bobot badan diperoleh dengan penimbangan bobot ayam hidup. Ayam dikekang secara fisik menggunakan kedua tangan selama pencitraan USG dilakukan. Variabel yang diamati adalah ketebalan otot dari hasil citra ultrasonografi berfrekuensi 10 MHz dari transduser linear. Prediksi bobot karkas ayam IPB D2 dan D3 memiliki hubungan erat dengan otot dengan nilai koefisien determinasi R2=0,994 hingga 0,997. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya korelasi positif pada bagian sayap (r=0,58) dan dada (r=0,52 hingga 0,65) antara ketebalan hasil citra ultrasonografi dengan prediksi bobot karkas hidup ayam IPB D2 dan D3. Kata kunci: ayam IPB D2 dan D3, karkas, potongan komersial, ultrasonografi.
Chicken carcass is generally marketed as whole or in commercial cut (back, wings, upper and lower thighs, and breast). IPB D2 and D3 chickens are the new strain of candidates from selection of IPB D1 chickens against resistance to disease and great growth. This study aim to estimate carcass weight in live IPB D2 and D3 chickens based on commercial cuts with ultrasound imaging. Thirty chicken male of IPB D2 (n=15) and D3 (n=15) were used in this study. Body weighing obtained by weighing live chicken. Chickens restrained physically using both hands along the ultrasound imaging. The observed variable was the muscle thickness on the ultrasound image that obtains with a frequency of 10 MHz from a linear transducer. The prediction of carcass weight is obtained from the percentage of the carcass portion times the cut weight divided by 100%. IPB D3 chickens had the highest muscle thickness values on the back, wings, lower thigh, and breasts, while the upper thigh thickness values in IPB D2 chickens. The prediction of carcass weight of IPB D2 and D3 chickens has a close relationship with the muscle with a coefficient of determination R2=0,994 up to 0,997. The results of statistical analysis showed a positive correlation on the wings (r=0,58) and the breast (r=0,52 up to 0,65) between the thickness of the ultrasound image results with the prediction of live carcass weight of IPB D2 and D3 chickens. Keywords: carcass, commercial cuts, IPB D2 and D3 chickens ,ultrasonography.
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology

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